Justice Department Calls For 6-month Prison Sentence For Peter Navarro’s Subpoena Defiance

Aiexpress – The Justice Department has recommended a six-month prison term for each of the two contempt counts against Peter Navarro, former trade adviser of Donald Trump. This comes after Navarro defied a House subpoena.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Elizabeth Aloi has recommended a $200,000 fine in her 20-page memo.

The sentencing memo was submitted just two days after Navarro’s request for a new trial on charges of contempt of Congress was denied. He had been accused of disregarding a subpoena from the subcommittee that was investigating the events of the January 6 insurrection, as well as his efforts to disrupt the election results and the peaceful transition of power.

In September, he was convicted of the crime.

In a scathing filing, the former trade adviser was accused of displaying arrogance and disregarding Congressional authority. The filing further criticized his strategy of defying and showing contempt, while using unfounded claims of executive privilege and immunity that were irrelevant to the situation.


The Department of Justice memo highlighted the significance of the subcommittee’s investigation into the violence of January 6th, referring to it as a “matter of national importance.” As a result, his testimony was requested during the probe.

According to the filed document, the Defendant, just like the individuals involved in the Capitol riot, prioritized politics over the well-being of the nation.

The memo emphasized that the Defendant prioritized loyalty to former President Donald Trump over upholding the rule of law.

The document concluded that the defendant should be sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for each count of his “sustained, deliberate contempt of Congress.” These sentences could be served concurrently. Additionally, the defendant should be fined $200,000.

Navarro’s attorneys have submitted a court filing, requesting that the court refrain from imposing a prison sentence of more than six months and instead impose a $200 fine on their client.

Navarro is scheduled to receive his sentencing next week.

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