California Sheriff Expresses Concerns Over New State Gun Law, Citing Potential Implications for the 2nd Amendment

Sheriff Vern Warnke of Merced County has expressed concerns about the recent implementation of California Senate Bill 2 (SB2), which came into effect on January 1, 2024. In a message to the community, Sheriff Warnke highlighted the potential consequences of the new law for law-abiding citizens who possess Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permits.

Sheriff Warnke expressed concerns about the implications of SB2 and highlighted the challenges citizens face when exercising their right to carry firearms. While he acknowledged reservations about the law, he also recognized that the legal landscape is constantly evolving, with ongoing court interpretations shaping its application.

Sheriff Warnke expressed his perspective on the matter, emphasizing the commitment of law enforcement personnel to uphold the Constitution and safeguard the rights of citizens. Despite his belief that the situation is impeding and limiting these protected rights, he acknowledged that the issue is currently being resolved through legal proceedings.

Sheriff Warnke emphasized the practical implications of SB2, emphasizing that several changes have been implemented. These changes include applicants for a CCW permit having to provide additional information, which has resulted in a longer processing time. Additionally, the law has abolished the spouse exemption for firearm registration for CCW holders.

Furthermore, the training requirements have been significantly increased. New applicants are now required to complete 16 hours of training, which is double the previous 8-hour requirement. Similarly, renewals now necessitate 8 hours of training, doubling the prior 4-hour requirement. Additionally, individuals holding CCW permits are now limited to carrying a maximum of two firearms at any given time.


Sheriff Warnke acknowledged that the increased thresholds may lead to a decrease in the number of training providers who can offer the necessary materials and courses.

Sheriff Warnke reassured the community that his team will carefully monitor these new guidelines and keep them updated as they are made available.

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