Corrections Officer Disabled After Attack Proposes Ban On Exercise Equipment

Aiexpress – A former Massachusetts corrections officer is finally breaking his silence about a horrific assault he endured from an inmate, an incident that has left him with permanent disabilities. In a courageous move, he is sharing his story publicly for the first time.

Matt Tidman appeared before a legislative committee to discuss a bill that aimed to prohibit exercise equipment and free weights in medium and maximum security prisons. Expressing his concerns, Tidman pleaded with the legislators, saying, “I genuinely hope that no one else has to go through what my family and I have experienced. It’s an unjust situation that no one deserves.”

“It is a reality that is often overlooked,” Tidman expressed following the hearing. “There is a pressing need to bring more attention to this issue.”

The Department of Corrections imposed a temporary ban on exercise equipment in the state’s prisons following the attack. However, a state law will be required to make this ban permanent. Advocates of the bill argue that free weights can be used as weapons, hence the need for stricter regulations. Kevin Flanagan, representing the Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union, emphasized that the goal is not to deprive inmates of their right to exercise, but rather to prioritize the safety of the officers responsible for their care.

Matt Tidman has no recollection of that particular day, but what he does recall vividly is the moment he regained consciousness and found himself surrounded by his loving family. The joyous occasion was marked by a triumphant procession as he was being discharged from the rehabilitation center. Doctors, astounded by his remarkable recovery, referred to it as nothing short of a miraculous event. Expressing his gratitude, Tidman humbly stated, “They cannot fathom how I am able to stand here today, let alone continue to breathe.”


Matt Tidman is determined to protect his fellow officers with every breath he takes.

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