D.C. Barricade Suspect Who Shot Three Cops Is An Illegal Immigrant: Reports

Aiexpress – The man accused of shooting three DC police officers and walling himself off for hours two weeks ago is in the country illegally, according to a report.

According to Julio Rosas, an independent reporter, Immigration and Customs Enforcement wants Stephen Claude Rattigan, 48, and needs to deport him.

The story didn’t say what country Mr. Rattigan was from.

The Washington Times has called ICE to make sure what Mr. Rosas said is true.

On February 14, Mr. Rattigan was charged with shooting three Metropolitan Police officers as they tried to serve him with an arrest warrant for animal abuse.


Police said the person they think had a gun shot through his front door in the southeast part of D.C. while they were trying to break in.

Police say that the three cops were hurt in the hand, leg, and ankle. The next day, they were all let out of the hospital.

There was a standoff for 12 hours, during which Mr. Rattigan is said to have fired shots from his home, hitting nearby cars and police cars at the scene. He finally gave himself up to the cops.

Along with other weapons charges, Mr. Rattigan is still in jail on charges of attack with intent to kill and assault on police officers.

Thursday is when his next court date is set.

Animal cruelty charges were brought against him after he was accused of punching a dog outside his home last year, according to court records.

After doing more research, the Washington Humane Society, an animal welfare group, found that Mr. Rattigan was keeping several dogs in dirty circumstances.

Because Mr. Rattigan had so many animals in his home, his neighbors reported that the street smelled like poop and urine. In January, his landlord got permission to give him an eviction warning.

After Mr. Rattigan was caught, cops searched the house and found 31 dogs.

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Jimmy Clyde
Jimmy Clyde
Articles: 290

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