Early Exit Polling Reveals: Majority of New Hampshire Voters Say They Would Be Satisfied With Trump as Nominee

Aiexpress – According to early exit polling from CNN, a significant number of New Hampshire primary voters who favored former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley did so out of their dislike for former President Donald Trump.

According to the results, most New Hampshire primary voters expressed their satisfaction with the possibility of Donald Trump winning the Republican presidential nomination.

According to CNN, Trump voters expressed their strong preference for the former president, stating that they “strongly favored” the candidate they voted for in the recent election. In contrast, only around a third of those who voted for former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley shared the same sentiment. Additionally, 39% of those who voted for the former South Carolina governor mentioned that their decision was influenced by their dislike for her opponent.

According to the polling, the voters in New Hampshire on Tuesday were evenly divided between undeclared voters and Republican voters.

Exit polling revealed that the state of the economy and immigration were prominent concerns for voters on Tuesday. A majority of Republican primary voters in New Hampshire expressed dissatisfaction with the economy, describing it as either “not so good” or “poor.” Additionally, approximately half of the voters surveyed expressed a desire to see undocumented immigrants in the U.S. deported.


The poll, which surveyed 1,565 voters, has a margin of error of 4.0 percentage points, give or take.

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