Fulton County Da Fani Willis Barred From Prior 2020 Election Lawsuit Due To Political Prejudice

Aiexpress – The district attorney in Georgia who is aiming to convict Donald Trump has a history of being disqualified in election cases due to their political bias.

According to a report in the Daily Caller, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was prohibited by a judge in fall 2022 from pursuing a case against Lt. Gov. Burt Jones regarding his involvement in Mr. Trump’s challenge to the 2020 Georgia presidential election.

Judge Robert McBurney expressed his disapproval of Ms. Willis’ decision to hold a fundraising event in support of Charlie Bailey, who is running as the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor in the upcoming 2022 race.

During the campaign, Judge McBurney ruled that any decision made by the district attorney regarding Senator Jones in relation to the grand jury investigation would inevitably be influenced by it.

Ms. Willis has been facing criticism for her decision to hire a man with whom she allegedly had an affair to handle the Trump case. This move has raised concerns about the potential misuse of public funds, as some of the money allocated for the case was allegedly spent on her.


In the case, the judge emphasized that although Ms. Willis’ donations to the Bailey campaign alone would not be enough to warrant her removal from the case, it was important to consider the significant campaign-related work that the district attorney had carried out on behalf of candidate Bailey.

Judge McBurney emphasized that the district attorney’s decision, while within her authority as an elected official, carries significant repercussions. By endorsing Senator Jones’s opponent, she has effectively lent credibility to their campaign.

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