Greg Abbott Would Receive $3.7 Billion For Border Under New Republican Proposal

Aiexpress – A Republican congressman from Texas has proposed a House bill that aims to reimburse the state with federal funds for the expenses incurred in its border security operations.

Rep. Roger Williams has introduced the Operation Lone Star Reimbursement Act with the goal of obtaining $3.7 billion in federal funding. This funding would cover the expenses incurred by Texas for border security activities from 2020 to 2023. The bill requires the submission of necessary documents within 60 days to access the funds.

Tensions over the security of the southern border have been escalating due to a surge in immigration. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, has turned this into a national issue by transporting migrants to Democrat-led sanctuary cities. The bill is a response to these heightened concerns.

According to a press release by Williams, he stated that Texas had to take action in order to protect their homes and communities due to President Joe Biden’s failure to fulfill his duty of safeguarding the American people. Williams emphasized the need for reimbursement for the efforts made by Texas.

Introducing the Operation Lone Star Reimbursement Act, I take pride in the initiative to alleviate the burden on Texans who consistently bear the cost of safeguarding the southern border of the United States. Texas has dedicated billions towards upholding the safety and security of all citizens nationwide, combatting grave issues such as human trafficking, sex trafficking, drug and cartel operations, and the continuous influx of unlawful entries that deplete Texas’ resources.


“It is high time that Biden acknowledges this crisis for what it truly is and stands alongside Texans to ensure the security of our nation.”

On Friday morning, Newsweek contacted Governor Abbott’s office, Rep. Williams’ office, and President Biden’s office via email to request comments.

The bill’s text reveals that Texas allocated over $800 million for border security in fiscal years 2020 through 2021. This amount significantly increased to over $2.92 billion for the years 2022 through 2023.

According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the data shows that the number of migrants who entered the U.S. border reached almost 3 million in the first 11 months of 2023. Shockingly, nearly 988,900 encounters occurred within the last three months alone.

The number of migrants crossing the southern border has reached unprecedented levels, surpassing the totals of previous years and even exceeding the populations of 17 states. This surge has sparked discussions in Congress regarding the need for a comprehensive southern border bill that tackles pressing issues such as immigration reform, border security, and international aid.

The Biden administration and Texas have been engaged in a battle over border policy. In late January, President Biden acknowledged the limitations of his administration’s actions and expressed the need for increased border patrol resources and legal solutions to tackle the crisis.

Governor Abbott has taken bold action to tackle the challenges presented by the influx of migrants, with one of the most notable measures being the transportation of migrants to sanctuary cities.

According to a press release from Abbott’s office in late April 2022, Texas has transported more than 120,000 migrants to sanctuary cities. This includes 12,500 migrants to Washington, D.C., over 37,500 to New York City, and more than 31,200 to Chicago.

The policy implemented by Abbott has had a significant impact on these sanctuary cities. The mayors of New York, Chicago, and Denver have issued pleas for increased federal assistance in order to effectively manage the surge caused by this policy.

The bill is currently in the “introduced” stage of the legislative process. It will need to go through several steps, including review by the House Committee on the Judiciary, approval by both Congress and the Senate, and ultimately, the signature of President Biden, in order to become law.

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