International Justice Prevails: Dale City Triple Murder Suspect Captured In El Salvador

Aiexpress – In a major development, law enforcement has apprehended Donald Antonio Barahona Quinonez, the main suspect in a shocking triple murder case that rocked Dale City in May 2023. Barahona Quinonez, 28, had evaded capture since the shooting incident, which resulted in the deaths of three individuals and left one person injured. The arrest took place on January 22, carried out by the Special Forces of the El Salvador National Civil Police, as confirmed by Prince William County police Lt. Jonathan Perok.

On May 26, 2023, cops were called to the 14700 block of Birchdale Avenue because of a disturbance in the Dale City neighborhood. When they got there, one of the victims, 37-year-old Edwin Geovanny Salermon, was outside the house. Sadly, Salermon was declared dead at the scene of the crime. More searching inside the house found three more bodies, including 41-year-old Luis Alonzo Salgado-Rivas, who later that same day died from his injuries. Another person who was hurt, Kevin Josue Vallecillo Mendoza, 23, died the next day. By some miracle, the only person who survived the terrible killing was a 21-year-old man.

Based on the investigation, it was found that there was a meeting going on inside the house when someone brandished a gun, which led to random shootings that killed four men. Barahona Quinonez, the person who is suspected of shooting, and other people who were in the house ran away.

Efforts are currently underway to extradite Barahona Quinonez back to the United States now that he is in custody. The Prince William County police are working closely with federal partners and authorities in El Salvador to ensure a seamless and prompt extradition process.

This arrest brings a ray of hope to the grieving community, offering a step towards justice for the victims and their families. As the legal proceedings unfold, the Dale City community can take comfort in the fact that law enforcement is working tirelessly to bring closure to this tragic chapter in their town’s history.

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