Maine’s Secretary Of State Urges Prompt Decision In Trump’s 14th Amendment Case

Aiexpress – Maine’s Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, has recently made a request to the state’s highest appeals court. She wants them to review her decision to prevent former President Donald Trump from appearing on Maine’s GOP primary ballot. This decision was made under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. It is worth noting that this request was made before the U.S. Supreme Court makes a ruling on a similar case from Colorado. This case involves the disqualification of Trump based on the 14th Amendment.

According to a news release by Bellows, she has requested an opportunity to seek review from the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, as provided by Maine law.

Maine’s Superior Court has chosen to defer ruling on Bellows’ previous decision, which has been appealed by Trump’s team. The court has decided to wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to settle the Colorado case before making a final judgment.

The top trial court in the state has sent the case back to Bellows for a decision. They will wait for a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court.


On Friday, Bellow made an appeal to the Maine Supreme Court regarding the Superior Court’s decision to defer. By requesting this consideration, Bellow hopes to expedite the ruling process and reach a resolution before the state’s GOP primary on March 5.

In a statement, Bellows emphasized the importance of allowing Maine’s highest court to weigh in on the matter before the ballots are counted. This step is crucial in order to maintain trust in the integrity and security of our elections.

“I am among the many Americans who eagerly await a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court in the Colorado case. It is my hope that this ruling will offer valuable guidance regarding the crucial Fourteenth Amendment questions at hand,” she expressed.

Maine law allows for the possibility of seeking review from the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, which is exactly what I have done today,” she stated. She acknowledged that many people are deeply concerned about the constitutional and state authority issues at hand. By filing this appeal, it guarantees that the highest court in Maine will have the chance to provide their input before the ballots are counted. This will help foster trust in the integrity of our elections, ensuring that they are conducted freely, safely, and securely.

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