Metro mail carriers protest the nationwide a rise in attacks

Calls to protect letter carriers are gaining momentum across the country due to a surge in robberies and assaults. Recently, rallies advocating for change have been held in Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin. In Minnesota, letter carriers took a stand on Sunday, expressing their firm stance of “enough is enough.”

Calls for the protection of letter carriers are gaining momentum across the country following a surge in robberies and assaults. Rallies demanding change have been organized in various states, including Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Joining this movement, letter carriers in Minnesota held a rally on Sunday, expressing their collective frustration and determination to put an end to these incidents.

“We demand that elected officials take decisive action and implement stricter prosecution measures against criminals,” expressed Brian Renfroe, President of the National Association of Letter Carriers Afl-Cio. He further emphasized, “The anger and frustration we feel is overwhelming. Our members are constantly under attack.”

On November 18, an armed robbery took place in Edina where a letter carrier was targeted. The following day, on November 19, another incident occurred in Brooklyn Center where a carrier was robbed of their postal equipment.

“On Friday, the National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 9 Executive Vice President Joseph Tiemann received confirmation from the postal inspectors that the suspect they had been searching for had been apprehended,” Tiemann stated. He further added, “I had the opportunity to speak with the carriers who were robbed of their equipment, and they expressed immense relief upon learning that these individuals are no longer a threat to them or the community.”


Protesters in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Dakotas claim that there were a total of 30 incidents of violent attacks and armed robberies between 2022 and 2023 on Sundays.

“It is absolutely unacceptable, utterly appalling, and completely out of control,” Renfroe expressed with deep concern. “No worker should ever have to live in fear while simply carrying out their job… This wave of violence against our members must come to an end.”

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