Mysterious Disappearance Of 20-year-old Jason From Indiana Apartment On December 4, 2006

The mystery surrounding the disappearance of 20-year-old Jason Ellis from Indianapolis, Indiana, on December 4, 2006, continues to haunt investigators and leave his loved ones in a state of unresolved grief. Despite the passage of time and a lack of significant leads, the case remains puzzling.

Jason Ellis disappeared from his apartment on Willow Tree Lane, where he resided with his high school friends. His sudden disappearance sparked concern when his mother, Neatrice Billingsley, was unable to contact him. A week later, she reported him missing, leading to a search that would raise numerous uncertainties.

Investigators were perplexed by the fact that Jason’s car was still parked at the apartment and his paychecks remained untouched. It appeared as if he had disappeared without taking any of his personal belongings. The only lead was a shirt that Jason’s mother discovered during her own frantic search.

Neatrice Billingsley never wavered in her determination to find her son. She tirelessly searched every nook and cranny, meticulously combing through garbage bins and ponds near his last known whereabouts. Despite her relentless efforts to garner media attention and rally search parties, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Jason’s case was being overlooked. Sadly, in 2013, Neatrice passed away without ever finding the closure she desperately sought about her son’s fate.

The search for Jason’s whereabouts has been filled with frustrating dead ends. Detective Charles Gold, an Indianapolis Metro Police officer who took over the unsolved case in 2008, has tirelessly followed numerous leads, but none have yielded any results. There have been suggestions that Jason may have fallen victim to a homicide, possibly linked to a drug ring in Chicago or Gary. However, no solid evidence has surfaced to substantiate these speculations or any other theories.


Jason Ellis, a African American male, was 6’1″ tall and weighed 160 pounds. He had black hair and brown eyes. Notably, he had tattoos on his left arm, depicting Scooby Doo & Scrappy Doo, a Maple leaf above his name “Jason” on his right arm, and his mother’s name “Neatrice” on his chest.

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department is still actively seeking any information that could provide insight into the disappearance of Jason. If you possess any knowledge pertaining to the case of Jason Ellis, kindly reach out to them at (317) 413-7440. The quest for answers and the pursuit of justice for Jason Ellis persist, even as time progresses.


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