New Law Forces New Jersey Schools To Issue Reports On Students’ Mental Health

Aiexpress –  Governor Phil Murphy has recently signed a new bill into law in Trenton, New Jersey, which mandates schools to report on child mental health. This significant step comes as the state is experiencing an alarming increase in teenage mental illness and suicide rates.

Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt, the sponsor of the law, emphasizes the importance of gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges children face and the reasons behind the rising rates of depression and other mental health disorders among young individuals.

The main objective is to save lives by gaining insights into the most effective methods of preventing suicide. According to her, the initiative is centered around understanding the specific suicide prevention measures implemented by each school district.

They aim to identify the best practices utilized by schools and share them with others in order to potentially save lives.

According to Lampitt, it is crucial to identify the actions we can take and the things within our control to address mental health concerns. By focusing on these aspects, we have the power to reduce the negative impact on our mental well-being.


“We must create more avenues for individuals to access mental health professionals,” she emphasized.

The suicide rate among children ages 12 to 17 has witnessed a 16% increase between 2008 and 2020, as per national statistics.

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