New National Survey Shows Biden Leading Trump By 1 Point

In the latest national survey, President Biden emerges with a slim 1-point lead over former President Trump, setting the stage for a potential rematch in November.

In a recent poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, it was revealed that Joe Biden is currently leading Donald Trump with 39 percent of support among registered voters, while Trump stands at 38 percent. The one-week poll, which concluded on Wednesday, also indicated that 12 percent of respondents were undecided or not planning to vote, while 11 percent expressed their support for another candidate.

Biden and Trump have both secured enough delegates to become the presumptive nominees for their respective parties on Tuesday. The latest polling average from The Hill/Decision Desk HQ shows that Trump is currently leading Biden by approximately 1.4 percentage points nationally.

According to a poll conducted by Reuters, it was found that in seven states where the races were the closest in 2020, former President Trump is leading with the support of 40 percent of registered voters, while Biden is backed by 37 percent. Interestingly, when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was introduced as a third candidate, 15 percent of registered voters in those states expressed their support for him.

According to Reuters, a recent poll revealed that only 37 percent of Nikki Haley’s supporters expressed their intention to vote for Trump after she withdrew from the GOP presidential primary last week. Surprisingly, approximately 16 percent of her supporters stated that they would vote for Biden, while the remaining individuals expressed their inclination to vote for another candidate or not vote at all.


According to a recent poll, a total of 4,094 U.S. adults participated, with 3,356 of them being registered voters. The survey was conducted from March 7-13 and had a margin of error of 1.8 percentage points for registered voters and 1.7 percentage points for all respondents.

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