Poll Shows Casey Ahead Of Gop Rival Mccormick In Pennsylvania Senate Race

Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) maintains an advantage over Republican David McCormick in the closely watched Senate race in Pennsylvania, as per a recent poll. However, it is worth noting that Casey’s lead has narrowed since February.

In a potential general election match-up, a recent survey conducted by the Emerson College Polling/The Hill in Pennsylvania reveals that Casey holds 45 percent support, compared to McCormick’s 41 percent. The survey also found that 14 percent of respondents were still undecided.

When undecided voters are compelled to choose a candidate they are inclined towards, Casey’s support increases to 52 percent, while McCormick’s support rises to 48 percent.

While the incumbent currently has a 4-point lead, the margin is narrower compared to the 10-point gap that was recorded in February. During that time, Casey secured 49 percent of the votes, while McCormick received 39 percent.

In 2022, McCormick made an unsuccessful bid for the open Senate seat previously held by retiring Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.). Unfortunately, he lost the Republican nomination to Mehmet Oz, who ultimately lost in the general election to the current Senator, John Fetterman (D-Pa.).


McCormick is making a comeback to the upper chamber, setting the stage for a showdown with Casey in the general election as Republicans aim to secure the seat in the Keystone State. The Cook Political Report, an election handicapper, considers Casey’s seat to be leaning towards the Democratic side.

The Senate race is scheduled to hold its primary on April 23rd.

According to the new poll, independent voters overwhelmingly support Casey, with 42 percent favoring him compared to 29 percent who support the opposing candidate. The remaining 29 percent of independent voters are undecided.

Around 9 percent of previous Donald Trump supporters are considering splitting their ticket and voting for the Democratic senator, whereas only 3 percent of Biden voters expressed their intention to vote for McCormick.

According to a recent poll, both Biden and Trump have secured the necessary delegates to win their party nominations. In a head-to-head matchup, Trump garnered 47 percent of Pennsylvania voters, while Biden received 43 percent.

According to a recent poll conducted from March 10-13, 1,000 registered voters were surveyed. The credibility interval of the poll, which is similar to the margin of error, is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

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