Nippon Steel reacts to President Biden’s opposition to its acquisition of U.S. Steel

Nippon Steel stated on Friday that its acquisition of U.S. Steel will bring significant advantages to both union workers and the national security of the United States. However, President Joe Biden emphasized the importance of U.S. Steel remaining an American company.

In a statement released on Thursday, President Biden emphasized the significance of preserving robust American steel companies, which are driven by the hard work of American steelworkers. He reassured the steelworkers that he stands firmly by their side and spoke earnestly about the enduring legacy of U.S. Steel, a renowned American steel company that has stood tall for over a century. President Biden stressed the importance of maintaining U.S. Steel’s status as a domestically owned and operated American company.

The United Steelworkers expressed their support for President Biden’s concerns, emphasizing the importance of U.S. Steel maintaining its American ownership.

According to a statement by USW President David McCall, the acquisition of one of our country’s largest steel manufacturers by a foreign-owned corporation puts us at risk in terms of our defense capabilities and critical infrastructure requirements. The president’s remarks should put an end to any debate – it is imperative that U.S. Steel remains domestically owned and operated.

Nippon Steel aims to strengthen U.S. Steel, ensuring its long-term success for future generations. The Japanese company has made substantial commitments to the USW in this regard.


Nippon Steel’s statement emphasized their commitment to strengthening and expanding U.S. Steel in the U.S. market. They prioritize their talented employees and have made significant commitments to the USW in order to achieve a mutually agreeable resolution. Nippon Steel aims to advance American priorities by enhancing the quality and competitiveness of American steel, which is essential for industries that heavily rely on it. Moreover, they aim to reinforce American supply chains and economic defenses against China.

In December, Nippon Steel made a significant announcement regarding its acquisition of U.S. Steel for a substantial amount of $14.9 billion. The Japanese company has expressed its commitment to upholding the collective bargaining agreements with the USW. The transaction is expected to be finalized in either the second or third quarter of 2024.

In December, U.S. Steel President and CEO, David B. Burritt, expressed his belief that the deal acknowledges the significant value of U.S. Steel. He emphasized that the combination is truly in the best interest of all parties involved.

The USW expressed their agreement with Biden’s concerns regarding the long-term implications of the sale on both economic and national security. The union steelworkers expressed their gratitude for Biden’s support.

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