Officials enraged by new law imposing $15 daily fee for drivers entering major US city, labeling it a self-centered cash grab

Congestion pricing has sparked intense controversy on the east coast, with critics arguing that it will fail to alleviate traffic congestion and negatively impact local residents.

New York City’s newly passed congestion pricing policy has sparked a legal battle with several counties in New Jersey.

The policy implements different prices based on the type of vehicle entering Manhattan, with an average fee of $15 per car that enters the area.

Even local celebrities have filed lawsuits against the Big Apple, claiming that instead of alleviating traffic on major highways, it will only worsen congestion in nearby neighborhoods.

According to New Jersey residents who commute to the city, they believe that this will negatively impact them. They argue that the lack of provisions for employees who have to travel to Manhattan on a daily basis is a major concern.


According to, Bergen County, another county in New Jersey, has joined the discussion on congestion pricing. County executive Jim Tedesco describes it as a “selfish money grab by New York City.”

According to him, it is shameful and necessary to put a stop to New York’s decision to address the MTA’s financial mismanagement by filling revenue gaps at the expense of Bergen County residents and businesses, both environmentally and financially.

According to a report filed on January 8, Bergen County conducted their own environmental assessment and discovered that congestion pricing would potentially lead to an increase of up to 1,000 semi-trucks on Interstate 95.

According to the report, the increase in vehicle miles traveled is projected to exceed 10 percent, resulting in more than 10 million miles per weekday.

According to the report, the Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI did not address or attempt to resolve any of the impacts on Bergen County. Additionally, it failed to consult with the communities in Bergen County or take into account recommendations made by the EPA. Furthermore, the report states that the assessment did not consider the potential effects that each scenario could have on Bergen County.

Most drivers would go out of their way to avoid using toll roads, which would have a negative impact on the towns within Bergen County. These towns heavily depend on vehicle traffic as a significant source of revenue.

According to the document, the policy and its impact on Jersey residents are causing concern throughout the entire state of New Jersey, with Bergen County being particularly affected.

According to Germaine Ortiz, the county’s commissioner chairwoman, it is important for the courts to take into account the extensive negative impact that the policy has on the residents.

“We are demonstrating our dedication to our community’s welfare by becoming a part of the New Jersey lawsuit against congestion pricing,” she remarked.

“We can clearly see that there has been a lack of thorough consideration given to the impact on neighboring states. We firmly believe that we should be included in the decision-making process and will always continue to advocate for the needs and well-being of all residents in Bergen County.”

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