Poll shows Trump with more than double the support of Haley in South Carolina

ai express – According to internal polling conducted by the super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump, he maintains a commanding lead over Nikki Haley in the South Carolina Republican primary race. This is the case even after Haley’s recent aggressive campaign, which included a series of negative ads targeting her opponent.

According to a recent poll conducted by Fabrizio, Lee and Associates, Donald Trump, who is 77 years old, has a significant lead over Nikki Haley in the Palmetto State. Nikki Haley, a 52-year-old White House hopeful, was born and raised in South Carolina and served as the state’s governor for six years. The poll indicates that Trump’s lead is more than double that of Haley’s.

According to a memo released by the polling firm alongside its survey findings, Nikki Haley and her D.C. establishment allies are investing millions of dollars in an attempt to salvage a campaign that has failed to articulate a path to victory in South Carolina – or any other state, for that matter.

According to the latest survey, “The ballot, which remains statistically unchanged from our previous survey, indicates that this effort is not making any impact.”

According to a recent survey of 600 South Carolina voters conducted between Jan. 28 and Jan. 29, it was found that Trump is currently leading Haley by a significant margin of 35 points, with 66% of the voters favoring Trump compared to 31% in favor of Haley.


According to the survey, a significant majority of Trump supporters, accounting for 59%, expressed their firm intention to vote for the former president in the South Carolina primary. In contrast, only 24% of Haley supporters shared the same level of commitment.

Among voters who believe Haley was an effective South Carolina governor, Trump also holds a significant lead, with double-digit numbers in his favor.

New York Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney has nominated former President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his role in the Abraham Accords.

According to the pollster, Trump still emerges as the winner with a significant margin of 56% to 40% among the 69% who approve of her performance as the governor.

Haley has not gained much support in South Carolina despite the attack ads against Trump.

According to recent data, 64% of South Carolinians who have been exposed to negative advertisements targeting the former president favor Trump, while only 33% support Haley.

The poll revealed that former Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-Wyo.) recent plea for Haley to remain in the race until at least Super Tuesday has hurt the former South Carolina governor.

According to the poll, only 17% of respondents hold a positive opinion of Cheney, while a majority of 58% view the former congresswoman unfavorably.

When voters were informed about Cheney’s support for the former state governor, Trump’s support remained strong at 66%, while Haley’s backing decreased to 29%.

The memo states that despite her high job approval ratings and the millions of attack ads against President Trump, Nikki Haley’s efforts to sway Republican Primary voters in South Carolina have been ineffective. The memo concludes that South Carolina continues to firmly support Trump.

The South Carolina GOP primary is scheduled to take place on February 24th.

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