Proposed bill in Colorado could result in fines for drivers caught using their phones while driving

Living life in the fast lane these days means constantly being bombarded with notifications on our smartphones. This can be particularly challenging when we’re driving around town.

Colorado’s roads are plagued with a multitude of problems, and distracted driving is one of the key factors contributing to the high fatality rates. When we interviewed drivers in El Paso County, many of them expressed their concern about the prevalence of distracted driving incidents they witness on a regular basis.

Rachel Phillips, a resident of Colorado Springs, emphasized the importance of being fully present and focused while driving. She pointed out that driving is akin to operating a large machine, and any distractions can lead to serious consequences.

In Colorado, the existing law prohibits teenagers from using their phones in any situation. However, the rules become less clear for adults.

The proposed bill aims to restrict adults from texting while driving, but it would still permit them to make hands-free phone calls while on the road.


According to Senator Chris Hansen, law enforcement currently lacks the authority to take action against drivers who are solely engaged in texting and driving. Unless a driver is displaying other dangerous behaviors such as swerving or erratic driving, police cannot pull them over for texting and driving alone. In such cases, drivers may face a secondary infraction for texting while operating a vehicle, but it is not considered a primary offense.

If caught breaking the proposed law, individuals may have the option to dismiss the $75 fine for a first offense if they can provide evidence of purchasing a hands-free device. However, a second offense within a two-year period will result in a hefty $150 fine and a deduction of 3 points from their license, as outlined in the proposed bill. Furthermore, any subsequent violations within 24 months will incur a $250 fine and a suspension of 4 points from their license.

Many drivers in Colorado Springs find this proposition quite appealing.

Phillips believes that having consequences for texting and driving can serve as a strong deterrent.

The bill sailed through the Senate Transportation and Energy Committee with unanimous support. Next, it will make its way to the Senate Appropriations Committee before returning to the full senate for consideration.

Colorado drivers may face fines for using their phones while driving if a proposed bill is approved, according to KRDO.

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