Sen. Chris Murphy advises Democrats to adopt Tom Suozzi’s approach and take a more proactive stance on border issues

In a memo addressed to fellow party members, Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut encouraged Democrats to take a proactive stance on border and immigration issues. He pointed to the recent victory of New York Democrat Tom Suozzi in the special election for the 3rd Congressional District, previously held by Republican George Santos, as an example of the potential success that can be achieved by prioritizing these matters.

According to Senator Murphy, Congressman Suozzi’s strong stance on border and immigration issues can serve as a guide for Democrats in the upcoming November elections. Murphy, who played a prominent role in the failed bipartisan border security bill negotiations, highlighted Suozzi’s forceful messaging on these matters.

According to Murphy, Suozzi took a proactive approach to the issue, actively messaging and running ads that emphasized his stance on secure borders and legal pathways to citizenship. He strategically changed the narrative by portraying his Republican opponent as lacking seriousness on border security due to her opposition to the bipartisan border bill. This unexpected move turned a potential political liability into a significant advantage for Suozzi.

Democratic Senator Murphy expressed his frustration with the swift rejection of the bipartisan border security bill by Republican senators. Despite months of negotiations, the bill was ultimately dismissed in just a matter of days. However, Murphy sees this rejection as an opportunity for Democrats to challenge the Republican narrative on border issues.

He concluded that if we do not take advantage of this opportunity to proactively address the border issue and counter the Republicans, we could potentially lose the 2024 election.


In a recent post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Murphy stressed the importance of Democrats prioritizing the border issue.

“Republicans had high hopes that the border issue would work in their favor this fall. However, they are now in a state of panic as our new successful message is straightforward: Democrats stood by the bipartisan bill to address the border crisis, while Republicans were the ones who thwarted its progress,” he expressed.

The White House lauded Suozzi’s strategy, with President Joe Biden planning to take it on the road.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates stated that when President Biden collaborated with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate to enact robust and equitable border security legislation, Speaker Johnson sabotaged it. Bates emphasized that Speaker Johnson prioritized politics, Donald Trump, and fentanyl traffickers over the well-being of the Border Patrol Union and the overall national security of America.

According to Bates, Biden has made a promise to convey the same message, and Bates believes that the election result in New York is proof that Biden’s promise holds true.

Bates highlighted how Tom Suozzi emphasized the importance of bipartisan support for the border legislation and criticized congressional Republicans for blocking it for political reasons. According to Bates, the impact of Suozzi’s stance is clear and undeniable.

Before Suozzi’s special election triumph on Tuesday evening, certain Democrats saw the contest between Suozzi and Republican Mazi Pilip as a chance for the party to demonstrate their commitment to tackling the surge in migrant crossings at the southern border. They believed that this issue could potentially be a successful strategy for Democrats in the upcoming November general election.

Republicans attempted to portray Suozzi as being aligned with the liberal lawmakers known as “the squad,” who are against immigration enforcement. However, Suozzi countered this narrative by highlighting Pilip’s opposition to the bipartisan border deal. He depicted her as being aligned with former President Donald Trump and conservative supporters in Congress who opposed the legislation.

In his victory speech, Tom Suozzi addressed the falsehoods circulating about him and the squad. He emphasized that despite the claims of him being the godfather of the migrant crisis and the nickname “Sanctuary Suozzi,” his campaign emerged victorious. Suozzi called for unity and cooperation, stating that it is time to work together. He delivered a clear message to those who oppose his agenda: either join the cause or step aside.

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