Sheila Jackson Lee faces criticism for asserting that impeachment should not be employed as a tool for revenge

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democratic representative from Texas, faced criticism for defending Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday. Taking to social media, she expressed her belief that impeachment should not be utilized as a means of seeking revenge.

The House Homeland Security Committee convened on Tuesday to move forward with two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas. The accusations leveled against him include his alleged refusal to adhere to immigration law and the breach of public trust. A vote on the articles is anticipated to occur later today, with the outcome expected to follow party lines. If approved, the articles will then proceed to a House vote at a later date.

As Republican committee members persistently attacked Mayorkas, Jackson Lee took to social media to voice her position on the issue.

“I believe that impeachment should not be utilized as a means for seeking revenge. #RevengeImpeachment,” expressed Jackson Lee in a post on X.


Marjorie Taylor Greene believes that impeachment articles against Mayorkas will be approved by the House even without any support from Democrats.

In response to a video of her during the impeachment hearing, she expressed her skepticism about the accusations against Mayorkas, stating that they were being deceived.

According to Jackson Lee, the focus of the current proceedings should not be on accusations of treason or bribery against an individual. She believes that the American people recognize that revenge and vengefulness are the driving forces behind the proceedings. Jackson Lee points out that Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has a personal history of fleeing from both the Nazis and Cuba before coming to the United States.

“He becomes the first immigrant to lead the Department of Homeland Security, and yet, this committee is trying to imply that he is violating the Constitution. However, in reality, his freedom is founded upon our Constitution,” she added.

The White House has urged Speaker Johnson to provide President Biden with the necessary authority and funding to effectively secure the border.

Aaron Ray Hermes, a Texas Republican candidate vying for the congresswoman’s seat, strongly criticized Jackson Lee for her remarks.

Hermes took to Twitter to express his disbelief, questioning whether protecting the country is now considered “revenge.” He further pointed out the irony of impeaching Trump for a phone call deemed valid in 2019. Hermes made it clear that he and others will continue to hold the person accountable, promising to take their seat in due time.

Some people reminded Jackson Lee about how the Democratic Party used impeachment as a means of revenge against former President Trump.

The migrant crisis in December reached a new record with 302,000 encounters, as confirmed by officials.

In a recent statement, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas emphasized that impeachment should not be wielded as a means of seeking revenge. However, her remarks have faced strong backlash from critics who argue that Democrats utilized the impeachment process as a form of retribution against former President Trump. (US Congress)

One user questioned, “Did you post this comment during the revenge impeachment of Trump?” Another user responded with a humorous comment, “Haha! Says the Impeachment Democratic Party.”

House Democrats, including Jackson Lee, continue to support Mayorkas on the issue of impeachment. In a lengthy report released on Monday, they accused the Republican majority of abusing the impeachment process and conducting a “sham” procedure that hindered Mayorkas’ efforts to address the border crisis.

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