Suspect Arrested In Texas Home Burglaries May Have Connections To Nationwide Cases

Aiexpress – In Dallas, someone stole Shippy Barr’s exquisite collection of fine jewelry.

Barr expressed his overwhelming sense of helplessness and sleeplessness during that night.

“I’m completely devastated,” she expressed, as she shared the heart-wrenching experience of having her belongings stolen.

Residents in various parts of Texas have recently reported incidents involving two individuals who disguised themselves as tree trimmers to gain access to people’s homes. This deceptive duo employed a tactic where one person would divert the attention of the homeowner while the other sneaked into the property. Victims have recounted their experiences, sharing how they were targeted by these impostors.

Last week, the breakthrough in the case occurred in a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, over a thousand miles away.


Penn Township Police Chief John Otto stated that their officers were dispatched to Hammill Manufacturing around 3:30 in the morning.

According to Otto, a police officer who was responding to a burglar alarm discovered three men in a pickup truck with stolen items. The incident occurred simultaneously with a suspicious 911 call the department received regarding an armed robbery in another part of town.

Otto revealed that the phone call was actually placed from the parking lot of Hamill Manufacturing. He explained that the perpetrators purposely triggered the alarm and then dialed 911 as a diversion tactic to divert resources to the scene of the armed robbery.

The department has received numerous calls from police across the country expressing their interest in 27-year-old Bobby Lucci, following the recent arrests.

“According to Otto, the crime ring was extensive, with phone calls pouring in from various locations including Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Houston, Texas, and Dallas, Texas. Notably, the FBI, NCIS, and possibly even Kansas reached out to us,” revealed Otto.

Penn Township officers have been carrying out search warrants as part of their theft investigation and on behalf of other police agencies who have reached out to them.

Chief Otto stated that the department found jewelry, two-way radios, fluorescent vests, hard hats, and gloves in the suspects’ pickup.

He mentioned that the things used in your cases in Texas at least appear to be used.

The surveillance footage captured the moment when the individuals, resembling Lucci, entered Texas homes. One of them was seen wearing gloves and holding what seemed to be a radio. According to the victims, the men utilized the device to communicate with each other in a foreign language.

Dallas police have officially charged Lucci in relation to the burglary at the Barr family’s home. Houston police are also investigating potential charges in connection with Rabon’s case.

Rabon expressed his gratification upon seeing his name, face, and the news of his arrest.

It brings her a little solace.

However, Lucci’s history of similar charges has left her hopeful that this time they will be able to hold him accountable.

In her opinion, federal involvement is necessary because they have been involved in cases from coast to coast.

The second man who was involved in the home burglaries in Dallas alongside Lucci has not been apprehended yet. Despite the arrests made in Pennsylvania, he remains at large.

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