The Most Dangerous Neighborhood In Hawaii – Can You Guess Which One?

Hawaii, a name synonymous with paradise, lush landscapes, and serene beaches, conjures images of tranquility and laid-back island life. Yet, beneath the postcard-perfect veneer lies a reality that, in some pockets, paints a starkly different picture. According to travelsafe-abroad, the charming town of Hilo on the Big Island holds the unenviable title of the most dangerous neighborhood in Hawaii. But before this label sparks concern and paints all of Hilo with a single brushstroke, let’s delve deeper into the data, understand the contributing factors, and explore ways to navigate this unique town safely.

Hilo’s Crime Statistics: A Reality Check

Travelsafe-abroad’s claim rests on data that reveals a higher-than-average crime rate in Hilo. Compared to the national average, Hilo boasts a concerning statistic: a 70% increase in overall crime. This translates to a 1-in-23 chance of becoming a victim of crime, a figure significantly higher than the national average. Furthermore, property crimes paint an even grimmer picture, with an 83% increase compared to the rest of the country.

Dissecting the Numbers: What Lies Beneath the Surface?

Understanding the reasons behind these statistics is crucial to forming a nuanced perspective. Several factors contribute to Hilo’s elevated crime rate:

  • Socioeconomic Challenges: Hilo faces economic disparity, with a higher poverty rate than other parts of Hawaii. This unfortunately creates conditions conducive to crime, including limited access to resources and education.
  • Drug Abuse: Like many communities, Hilo grapples with a drug problem, primarily methamphetamine. This issue fuels crime through addiction, desperation, and gang activity.
  • Limited Police Resources: Compared to mainland urban centers, Hilo has a smaller police force. While officers work diligently, this can lead to stretched resources and longer response times in certain situations.
  • Geographic Factors: Hilo’s narrow, winding roads and frequent rain showers pose challenges for both cyclists and pedestrians. This isolation, especially at night, can increase the risk of muggings and assaults.

Beyond the Numbers: A Closer Look at Hilo’s Reality

It’s important to remember that statistics rarely paint the full picture. While Hilo has higher crime rates, it’s not a lawless jungle. The vast majority of residents live peaceful lives, and the town boasts a vibrant culture and friendly community spirit. Many locals actively work to address the social challenges that contribute to crime, demonstrating a strong sense of resilience and hope.

Navigating Hilo Safely: Tips for Travelers and Residents

Whether you’re a tourist visiting Hilo or a resident seeking additional safety measures, here are some practical tips:

  • Stay informed: Familiarize yourself with areas of higher crime rates and avoid them, especially at night.
  • Be vigilant: Maintain situational awareness, avoid distractions like headphones, and trust your instincts.
  • Travel in groups: Walking or cycling at night is best done with company. Consider joining group activities or guided tours.
  • Utilize transportation: Opt for taxis or ride-sharing services at night if walking or cycling feels unsafe.
  • Support local initiatives: Engage with community organizations working to address the root causes of crime.

Moving Forward: A Collaborative Path to a Safer Hilo

Hilo’s higher crime rate cannot be ignored, but it shouldn’t define the town or its people. By acknowledging the challenges, addressing the root causes through social programs and economic development, and fostering community unity, Hilo can turn the tide and create a safer future for all its residents and visitors. Remember, statistics are just one piece of the puzzle. By looking beyond the numbers and appreciating the unique spirit of Hilo, we can navigate this beautiful town safely and contribute to its positive transformation.


1. Are specific areas of Hilo more dangerous than others?

Yes, certain areas in Hilo have higher crime rates than others. While it’s impossible to publicly list specific neighbourhoods for security reasons, you can generally find safety information by contacting local police stations or community organizations. These resources can provide insights into areas to exercise caution, particularly at night.

2. Is public transportation in Hilo safe?

Public transportation in Hilo is generally safe during the day, especially on major routes. However, like any urban area, vigilance is recommended at night. Consider travelling with others, staying alert, and using well-lit routes and designated stops.

3. What precautions should I take while driving in Hilo?

Hilo’s narrow roads and frequent rain can be challenging for drivers unfamiliar with the area. Always drive cautiously, obey speed limits, use headlights appropriately, and be extra mindful of cyclists and pedestrians, especially in low-light conditions.

4. Are outdoor activities safe in Hilo?

Hilo offers stunning natural beauty, and many safe outdoor activities are available. However, exercise caution in less-frequented areas or at night. Consider going with a group, informing others of your plans, and staying alert on hiking trails or secluded beaches.

5. What resources are available for victims of crime in Hilo?

If you unfortunately become a victim of crime in Hilo, several resources can help. Contact the local police department immediately to report the incident. Additionally, the County of Hawaii offers victim assistance programs providing emotional support, legal advocacy, and resources for recovery.

6. How can I contribute to making Hilo a safer community?

There are many ways to contribute to a safer Hilo! Support local initiatives addressing poverty, drug abuse, and social disparities. Report suspicious activity to authorities, practice personal safety measures, and promote awareness about responsible behavior. Your active role can make a difference.

7. Is it still safe to visit Hilo despite the higher crime rate?

Hilo remains a beautiful and welcoming destination for tourists. By exercising common sense precautions, staying informed about the area, and adhering to safety tips, you can enjoy your visit while minimizing risk. Remember, the vast majority of visitors have positive experiences in Hilo.


The information provided in this article regarding Hilo’s crime statistics and safety tips is based on publicly available data and resources. Individual experiences may vary, and situations can change over time. This article is not intended to be a comprehensive evaluation of all safety issues in Hilo nor replace official guidance from local authorities. It is always recommended to exercise caution, stay informed about current conditions, and take appropriate safety measures when visiting or residing in any location.

Additionally, while the article highlights Hilo’s higher-than-average crime rates, it also underscores the town’s vibrant community and positive aspects. It is important to avoid generalizations and remember that the vast majority of Hilo residents live peaceful lives.

Ultimately, the decision to visit or reside in Hilo is a personal one, and any individual should consider their own risk tolerance and conduct further research before making a decision.

Remember, safety is a shared responsibility. By practicing responsible behavior, adhering to local guidelines, and supporting community initiatives, we can all contribute to a safer and more vibrant Hilo for everyone.

K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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