The Most Dangerous Neighborhood In Idaho – Can You Guess Which One?

Idaho, with its vast landscapes and serene beauty, often conjures images of peaceful towns and wide-open skies. However, beneath the idyllic surface lies a hidden reality, particularly in the city of Idaho Falls. While the city boasts stunning natural wonders and a thriving economy, it also holds the dubious title of the most dangerous place in Idaho to venture out at night.

This article delves into the complexities of crime in Idaho Falls, exploring the factors contributing to its elevated risk, identifying the safest neighborhoods within the city, and offering practical tips for navigating the city after dark.

Source – idahostatesman

The Unmasking: Idaho Falls – A City of Contrasts

At first glance, Idaho Falls might not seem like a breeding ground for crime. Nestled amidst the majestic Teton Mountains, the city boasts a vibrant downtown, a thriving tourism industry, and a growing population. However, delve deeper, and you’ll find a stark reality – Bonneville County, which encompasses Idaho Falls, recorded the ninth-highest crime rate per 1,000 residents in the state in 2022.


The statistics paint a sobering picture: a 1 in 288 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime in Idaho Falls. This rate, while higher than the state average, offers a glimmer of hope – a 5.8% decrease in crime between 2021 and 2022 suggests a potential downward trend.

Beyond the Numbers: Understanding the Factors at Play

Understanding the factors contributing to Idaho Falls’ elevated crime rate is crucial for navigating the city safely. Several factors come into play:

  • Economic disparities: Like many other regions, Idaho Falls grapples with economic inequality. Pockets of poverty and unemployment can create environments where crime thrives.
  • Substance abuse: The city struggles with a significant drug problem, with methamphetamine and opioids being major concerns. This can fuel violent crime and property theft.
  • Limited resources: Despite a growing population, law enforcement resources haven’t kept pace. This can lead to slower response times and increased vulnerability in certain areas.

Finding Safe Harbor: Navigating Idaho Falls After Dark

While the statistics might paint a concerning picture, it’s important to remember that crime is not evenly distributed across Idaho Falls. Recognizing the safest neighborhoods and employing practical safety measures can significantly reduce your risk.

Safe Havens: The study identified several areas within Idaho Falls with significantly lower crime rates, ideal for venturing out after dark. These include:

  • City Center: The bustling downtown area boasts a strong police presence and well-lit streets.
  • Osgood/Payne: This quiet residential neighborhood offers a peaceful retreat from the city center.
  • Orvin: Another family-friendly neighborhood with low crime rates.
  • Community Park: This idyllic area, nestled around a scenic park, provides a safe haven for residents.
  • South Woodruff Avenue: This quiet street offers easy access to amenities while maintaining a low crime rate.
  • Idaho Falls Northeast: This newer development boasts modern amenities and a strong sense of community.
  • John Adams Parkway: This well-maintained area offers a peaceful escape from the city’s hustle.
  • Idaho Falls West: This quiet neighborhood provides a safe haven for families.
  • Cotton: This rural area offers a peaceful escape from the city center.
  • Idaho Falls Regional Airport: The airport and surrounding area boast a strong security presence and low crime rates.

Beyond Location: Practical Safety Tips for Everyone

Regardless of your location within Idaho Falls, employing common-sense safety measures can significantly reduce your risk:

  • Be aware of your surroundings: Pay attention to your environment and avoid unfamiliar areas.
  • Travel with a companion: Walk or bike with a friend or family member, especially after dark.
  • Utilize well-lit streets: Stick to well-lit areas and avoid deserted streets or alleys.
  • Trust your instincts: If something feels off, don’t hesitate to leave the area or seek help.
  • Invest in personal safety devices: Consider carrying pepper spray or a personal alarm.
  • Be mindful of your belongings: Keep your valuables out of sight and don’t leave them unattended.


1. Why is Idaho Falls considered the most dangerous place in Idaho at night?

The high crime rate in Bonneville County, particularly violent crime, contributes to this designation. However, it’s important to remember that crime is not evenly distributed across the city, and safe areas exist.

2. Are there specific areas of Idaho Falls to avoid at night?

While statistics don’t pinpoint specific areas, it’s generally wise to avoid poorly lit, deserted areas, particularly alleys or isolated streets.

3. What are the most common crimes in Idaho Falls?

Property crimes like theft and burglary are prevalent, along with drug-related offenses. Violent crime, while statistically lower, still exists.

4. What is being done to address crime in Idaho Falls?

The city has implemented various initiatives, including increased police patrols, community outreach programs, and investments in social services to tackle the root causes of crime.

5. Are there resources available to help people stay safe in Idaho Falls?

Yes! Local police departments offer safety tips and resources, and community organizations provide support services for vulnerable populations.

6. Can I still enjoy Idaho Falls after dark?

Absolutely! By choosing safe areas, traveling with companions, and following basic safety precautions, you can minimize risks and enjoy the city’s nightlife.

7. What are some fun and safe activities to do in Idaho Falls at night?

Many options exist! Consider attending a show at the Colonial Theatre, catching a concert at the Idaho Falls Civic Auditorium, or enjoying a delicious dinner at a downtown restaurant.

8. Is it safe to use public transportation in Idaho Falls at night?

While generally safe, it’s wise to be extra vigilant, especially when traveling alone. Stick to well-lit areas and consider alternatives like ride-sharing services if needed.

Conclusion: A City in Transformation

While Idaho Falls holds the unenviable title of Idaho’s most dangerous place after dark, it’s important to remember that the city is undergoing a transformation. Crime rates are declining, and the city is actively working to address the underlying factors contributing to crime. By understanding the challenges, identifying safe areas, and employing practical safety measures, visitors and residents alike can navigate Idaho Falls safely and enjoy its many offerings.


The information presented in this article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice. While the article mentions crime rates and safety tips based on publicly available data and research, it is not a substitute for official safety resources or expert guidance.

The author and publisher of this article make no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with qualified professionals for reliable safety information and recommendations specific to their needs and circumstances.

Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for any harm or loss resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained in this article. Always exercise caution and common sense when navigating any environment, especially at night.

Please note that crime statistics and trends can change over time. It is important to stay updated with the latest information from official sources such as local law enforcement agencies and community organizations.

By understanding the limitations of this article and taking necessary precautions, readers can utilize the information provided to gain a better understanding of safety in Idaho Falls and make informed decisions while exploring the city.

K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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