This City Has Been Named Delaware Worst City To Live – You Won’t Believe Which One!

Delaware, often nicknamed “The First State,” evokes images of beaches, historical charm, and a vibrant economy. Yet, beneath the surface, a different reality exists in Laurel, a small city grappling with the title of “the worst place to live” in the state. According to Road Snacks, Laurel’s struggle stems from a potent cocktail of high crime rates, economic hardship, and limited opportunities, casting a long shadow over its potential.

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Crime: A Constant Concern

The most immediate and pressing issue in Laurel is its alarming crime rate. Holding the dubious honor of having the highest overall crime rate in Delaware, the city is plagued by both violent and property crimes. Statistics paint a grim picture โ€“ Laurel boasts the second-most violent crimes and the fourth-most property crimes compared to other Delaware municipalities. This translates to a constant sense of unease and insecurity for residents, impacting their daily lives and hindering the city’s potential for growth.

A Struggling Economy: Limited Opportunities

The economic landscape in Laurel is equally concerning. Residents face the stark reality of the lowest median household income in the entire state. This translates to limited disposable income, reduced purchasing power, and a struggle to make ends meet. The median house price, though the second-lowest in Delaware, offers little solace in this context. While it might appear affordable on the surface, the low income levels make even modest housing a burden for many.

Furthermore, Laurel struggles with an unemployment rate of 5.8%, exceeding the national average. This translates to a lack of job opportunities, particularly in high-paying sectors. With limited options within the city and its immediate vicinity, residents often face the difficult choice of commuting long distances for work or accepting lower-paying jobs locally. This economic stagnation creates a vicious cycle, further hindering the city’s ability to attract new businesses and residents.


Beyond the Numbers: Understanding the Human Cost

The statistics tell a stark story, but the true impact of Laurel’s struggles lies in the lives of its residents. The constant fear of crime takes a toll on mental health and well-being. The economic hardship limits opportunities for education, healthcare, and basic necessities. The lack of jobs and economic mobility leads to a sense of hopelessness and despair. This complex tapestry of challenges paints a picture of a community struggling to find its footing and forge a brighter future.

Looking Beyond the Label: A Path Forward

Labeling Laurel as the “worst place to live” is simplistic and unhelpful. It overlooks the city’s rich history, resilient spirit, and the unwavering determination of its residents. Instead of focusing on the label, the focus should be on identifying and addressing the root causes of its problems.

Investing in community policing initiatives, youth programs, and educational opportunities can help combat crime and foster a safer environment. Supporting local businesses and attracting new industries can create jobs and boost the economy. Providing resources for skills development and job training can empower residents to seek higher-paying opportunities. These are just a few steps in a long but necessary journey towards revitalizing Laurel.

The Road Ahead: A Shared Responsibility

The challenges faced by Laurel are not unique. Many cities across the country grapple with similar issues. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-pronged approach involving local government, community organizations, businesses, and residents working together. Only through collaborative efforts can Laurel break free from the label of “worst place to live” and build a brighter future for its residents.

Laurel’s story is a reminder that beneath the surface of every city lies a complex tapestry of challenges and opportunities. By acknowledging the struggles, understanding the root causes, and working collectively towards solutions, Laurel can emerge from the shadows and reclaim its rightful place as a vibrant and thriving community.


Is Laurel really the most dangerous city in Delaware?

While Laurel has the highest overall crime rate in the state, it’s important to consider the type of crime. The majority of crimes in Laurel are property crimes, like theft and vandalism, rather than violent crimes. However, violent crime rates are still a concern, and safety remains a major issue for residents.

What factors contribute to Laurel’s high crime rate?

Several factors contribute to Laurel’s elevated crime rate:

  • Economic disparity:ย With the lowest median household income in the state,ย poverty and limited opportunity can lead to frustration and desperation,ย increasing the risk of criminal activity.
  • Location:ย Proximity to major highways might make Laurel a target for drug trafficking and other illegal activities.
  • Lack of resources:ย Limited access to quality education,ย employment opportunities,ย and social programs can make it harder for individuals to escape poverty and crime.

What is being done to address crime in Laurel?

There are several ongoing efforts to combat crime in Laurel:

  • Increased police presence:ย Law enforcement agencies are stepping up patrols,ย especially in high-crime areas.
  • Community policing:ย Initiatives are being implemented to build trust and collaboration between law enforcement and residents.
  • Social programs:ย Investments in education,ย job training,ย and support for youth are aimed at addressing the root causes of crime.
  • Revitalization projects:ย Revitalizing downtown and neglected areas can foster a safer and more vibrant community.

What are the biggest challenges facing Laurel beyond crime?

Economic struggles are a major concern for Laurel. The low median income and unemployment rate limit resources and opportunities for residents. Additionally, brain drain, the phenomenon of young people leaving for better prospects elsewhere, can further hinder the city’s growth.


Laurel stands at a crossroads. While its current struggles are undeniable, the city also possesses hidden strengths and a resilient spirit. Recognizing the challenges and harnessing the potential are the first steps towards a brighter future. By working together, Laurel can overcome its obstacles and emerge as a thriving community, proving that even the “Worst Place to Live” can become a place of hope and opportunity.


The information presented in this article and FAQ section regarding Laurel, Delaware, is based on publicly available sources and research. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and objectivity, the information presented should not be construed as exhaustive or definitive.

The complexities of any city’s challenges cannot be fully captured in a single article. Additional research and consideration of diverse perspectives are recommended for a deeper understanding of Laurel’s current situation and future prospects.

This article is intended to provide a starting point for discussion and engagement, not to deliver a final verdict on Laurel’s standing. Ultimately, the future of Laurel will be shaped by a multitude of factors, including the continued efforts of its residents, community leaders, and stakeholders.

K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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