This City Has Been Named Illinois Worst City To Live – You Won’t Believe Which One!

Imagine a city shrouded in a persistent twilight, where shadows stretch long and unease hangs heavy. This is the grim reality of Mount Vernon, Illinois, a once-bustling community now branded the state’s worst city to live in. Its idyllic name, echoing visions of verdant valleys and sun-drenched meadows, stands in stark contrast to the harsh truths that lurk beneath the surface.

Mount Vernon’s troubles are not mere whispers; they are blared loud and clear by statistics that paint a chilling picture. Violent crime, the specter that haunts every corner, plagues this city at a rate three times the national average and twice the state’s. Burglary, property crime, and larceny – the insidious tendrils of criminal activity – also reach alarming heights, casting a long shadow over the lives of its roughly 14,000 residents.

This article delves beyond the statistics, seeking to understand the factors that have plunged Mount Vernon into such darkness. We will explore the interwoven threads of poverty, economic decline, and social decay that have contributed to this bleak reality. We will meet the people who call this city home, hear their stories of struggle and resilience, and shed light on the initiatives aimed at bringing a flicker of hope back to Mount Vernon’s streets.

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The Glaring Statistics: A City Gripped by Fear 

Mount Vernon’s crime statistics are not just numbers; they are raw narratives of fear and hardship. In 2023, the city witnessed a staggering 52 violent crimes per 1,000 residents – a figure that dwarfs the national average of 15.2 and Illinois’ own 25.6. Property crime, encompassing burglaries, larcenies, and motor vehicle thefts, followed close behind at 42.8 per 1,000, compared to the national average of 25.8 and the state’s 32.5.


These statistics translate into a palpable fear that permeates daily life. Residents speak of locking their doors even during the day, of avoiding certain streets after dark, and of constantly looking over their shoulders. The sense of insecurity is especially acute for vulnerable populations, including the elderly and children, who are disproportionately targeted by criminals.

The economic realities of Mount Vernon further exacerbate the problem. With a poverty rate of 18.1%, significantly higher than the national average of 11.1%, many residents struggle to make ends meet. This financial hardship can fuel desperation, creating an environment conducive to criminal activity. The lack of job opportunities and dwindling industrial base leave many residents feeling trapped, with few prospects for a brighter future.

The Human Cost: Stories from the Shadows 

Beyond the cold statistics lie individual stories of lives impacted by Mount Vernon’s struggles. Meet Sarah, a single mother forced to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. She recounts the constant worry of leaving her children home alone, fearing the ever-present threat of burglary. Then there’s John, a young man who lost his brother to gun violence, a tragedy that shattered his family and left a gaping wound in the community.

These are just two faces in the tapestry of Mount Vernon’s hardship. Each resident carries their own burden, their own story of struggle against the tide of crime and despair. Some have chosen to fight back, forming neighborhood watch groups and advocating for increased police presence. Others, burdened by the weight of it all, have chosen to leave, seeking a safer haven for themselves and their families.

Glimmers of Hope: Initiatives for a Brighter Tomorrow

Despite the bleakness, Mount Vernon is not without hope. A number of initiatives are striving to break the cycle of crime and poverty, offering a ray of light to the city’s residents. One such initiative is the Mount Vernon Youth Center, which provides a safe space for children to learn, play, and connect with positive role models. The center offers educational programs, mentorship opportunities, and recreational activities, aiming to steer young minds away from the allure of the streets.

Another beacon of hope is the Mount Vernon Economic Development Corporation, which works to attract new businesses and revitalize the city’s economy. Their efforts focus on creating jobs, fostering entrepreneurship, and breathing new life into the once-thriving industrial sector. By boosting the city’s economic prospects, they hope to create a ripple effect, improving the overall quality of life for residents and making Mount Vernon a more attractive place to live and work.

Furthermore, community policing initiatives are being implemented to bridge the gap between law enforcement and residents. These programs emphasize building trust and collaboration, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the city’s safety and well-being.

The Road Ahead: A Long Journey Toward Redemption

The road to redemption for Mount Vernon is long and arduous. It requires sustained commitment from residents, community organizations, and government agencies. The fight against crime cannot be won overnight; it demands a multi-pronged approach that tackles the root causes of poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity.

Investing in education and job training is crucial. Equipping residents with the skills and qualifications needed to secure decent employment can break the cycle of poverty and offer a brighter future. Additionally, access to affordable housing and healthcare is essential for creating a more stable and supportive environment for residents.

Addressing the issue of gun violence also demands immediate attention. Implementing stricter gun control measures, investing in community outreach programs, and promoting conflict resolution skills can help curb the tide of violence and create a safer environment for everyone.

The journey towards a brighter future for Mount Vernon is not a solitary endeavor. It requires collaboration and support from all levels – residents, community leaders, state and federal authorities. Recognizing the interconnectedness of the city’s challenges is key to developing comprehensive solutions.


Q: Why is Mount Vernon considered the worst city in Illinois?

A: Mount Vernon’s designation as the “worst city” is largely based on its high crime rates, particularly violent crime, which is significantly higher than the national and state averages. Additionally, the city struggles with poverty, economic decline, and social decay, further contributing to its challenges.

Q: What are the specific crime rates in Mount Vernon?

A: In 2023, Mount Vernon had a violent crime rate of 52 per 1,000 residents, compared to the national average of 15.2 and Illinois’ 25.6. Property crime, including burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft, was also high at 42.8 per 1,000, exceeding the national average of 25.8 and the state’s 32.5.

Q: What are the factors contributing to the high crime rate?

A: Several factors contribute to Mount Vernon’s crime problem, including poverty, lack of economic opportunity, limited access to quality education, and the presence of gangs and drugs. Additionally, the city has faced challenges with police staffing and community engagement.

Q: What are some initiatives being taken to address the city’s problems?

A: Several initiatives aim to improve the situation in Mount Vernon. These include the Mount Vernon Youth Center providing safe spaces for children, the Mount Vernon Economic Development Corporation attracting businesses and creating jobs, and community policing programs fostering trust and collaboration between residents and law enforcement.

Q: Is there hope for the future of Mount Vernon?

A: While Mount Vernon faces significant challenges, there are reasons for hope. The city has a strong sense of community and a growing number of residents and organizations committed to making it a better place. The various initiatives underway, coupled with sustained support from residents, community leaders, and government agencies, can help Mount Vernon overcome its challenges and build a brighter future.

Q: What resources are available to help residents of Mount Vernon?

A: Several resources are available to residents, including social service agencies, community organizations, and religious institutions. Additionally, the city government website provides information about various programs and services available to residents.


Mount Vernon’s story is not just about a city struggling with crime and despair; it is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by many communities across the nation. It is a call to action, urging us to acknowledge the systemic inequalities that breed poverty and violence and to work towards creating a more equitable and just society.

The future of Mount Vernon hangs in the balance. Will it succumb to the darkness, or will it rise from the ashes, a phoenix reborn from the flames of hardship? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain: the journey towards redemption will require unwavering determination, unwavering commitment, and a collective belief in the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.


The information presented in this article is based on publicly available data and news reports, as well as interviews and observations gathered from various sources. However, it is important to acknowledge that any data analysis and conclusions drawn are interpretations and may not reflect the full complexity of the situation in Mount Vernon.

Furthermore, the designation of “worst city” is subjective and based on specific criteria. This article attempts to provide a balanced and nuanced perspective on the city’s challenges and efforts towards improvement, but it does not claim to offer a definitive or exhaustive account.

The intention of this article is to spark dialogue and understanding about the complex issues facing Mount Vernon and similar communities. It is not meant to sensationalize or disparage the city or its residents. We encourage readers to engage in respectful and constructive discussions about the challenges and potential solutions for Mount Vernon’s future.

K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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