This City Has Been Named Mississippi Worst City To Live – You Won’t Believe Which One!

Forest, Mississippi, a once-thriving lumber town nestled amidst rolling hills and ancient oaks, now wears the unenviable crown of “worst city to live in” according to Road Snacks. This designation, however, is not solely a matter of opinion. It’s a stark reflection of the economic hardship, limited opportunities, and dwindling vibrancy that grip this small community of 5,668 residents.

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Economic Struggles: A Grip on the Present and Future

The primary culprit behind Forest’s woes lies in its economic struggles. The city’s lifeblood, the timber industry, has weathered significant downturns in recent years, leaving a trail of unemployment and stagnant wages. A staggering 6.2% of the population find themselves without work, a figure that casts a long shadow on hopes for a brighter future.

Even for those fortunate enough to be employed, the economic picture remains bleak. The median household income in Forest barely scrapes above the poverty line, leaving families stretched thin and struggling to make ends meet. This financial strain permeates every aspect of life, impacting everything from housing and healthcare to education and leisure activities.

Crime: A Constant Companion

While not among the top 20 most dangerous cities in Mississippi, crime remains a persistent concern for Forest residents. The city occupies the 26th spot in the state’s crime rankings, meaning the threat of violence and property crime is ever-present. This can be a significant deterrent for those considering relocating to Forest, further hindering its potential for growth and prosperity.


Limited Entertainment: A Lack of Light at the End of the Tunnel

Beyond the economic and safety challenges, Forest offers little in the way of leisure activities or entertainment options. Residents seeking to unwind after a long day or escape the monotony of everyday life face limited choices. The dearth of cultural attractions, recreational facilities, and vibrant social spaces adds another layer of hardship to the lives of those living in Forest.

A Community Fighting Back: A Glimmer of Hope?

Despite the challenges, Forest is not without its fighting spirit. A dedicated community of residents, entrepreneurs, and local organizations are actively working to revitalize their city. Initiatives aimed at job creation, crime reduction, and community engagement are slowly taking root, offering a glimmer of hope for a brighter tomorrow.

One such initiative is the Forest Area Development Foundation, which works to attract new businesses and industries to the area. The organization’s efforts have resulted in the establishment of several small businesses, creating much-needed employment opportunities for local residents.

Furthermore, the Forest Community Center serves as a hub for social activities and educational programs, providing a much-needed space for residents to connect, share resources, and build a stronger sense of community.

The Road Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities

The path towards revitalization for Forest is undoubtedly long and arduous. The city faces deeply ingrained economic and social challenges that require sustained and multifaceted efforts. However, the dedication of its residents and the emergence of grassroots initiatives offer a beacon of hope.

Investing in education and skill development programs can equip the workforce with the tools needed to compete in a changing economy. Addressing crime concerns through community policing initiatives and social programs can create a safer environment for residents and businesses alike.

Finally, fostering a vibrant arts and culture scene, along with investing in recreational facilities and community spaces, can inject much-needed lifeblood into Forest. By creating a sense of place and belonging, the city can attract new residents and businesses, contributing to its economic and social fabric.

Forest’s story is not just about a single struggling city. It’s a microcosm of the challenges faced by many rural communities across the United States. The city’s fight for revitalization serves as a reminder that even the most difficult circumstances can be overcome through community spirit, resourcefulness, and unwavering hope. While the road ahead is long, the potential for a brighter future for Forest, and communities like it, remains undimmed.


Q: Is Forest really a dangerous place to live?

A: While not the most dangerous city in the state, crime is still a concern. Property crime and violent crime rates are higher than the national average. However, it’s important to note that crime is concentrated in certain areas, and many residents feel safe in their neighborhoods.

Q: Are there any job opportunities in Forest?

A: The traditional timber industry has declined, but new opportunities are emerging in sectors like healthcare, education, and light manufacturing. Local initiatives are also focused on attracting new businesses and fostering entrepreneurship.

Q: What is the cost of living like in the Forest?

A: The cost of living is quite low compared to national averages. Housing, groceries, and other basic necessities are significantly cheaper than in most other parts of the country.

Q: Is Forest a good place to raise a family?

A: While there are challenges like limited educational opportunities and crime concerns, Forest also offers some benefits for families. The strong sense of community, affordable housing, and access to nature can be positive influences. Ultimately, the decision of whether Forest is a good fit for your family depends on your individual priorities and needs.

Conclusion: A City Reclaiming its Narrative

Forest, Mississippi, may wear the label of “worst city to live in” for now, but this moniker does not define the heart and spirit of its residents. They are not simply passive recipients of their fate. Instead, they are actively engaged in rebuilding their community, brick by hopeful brick. They are the teachers nurturing young minds, the entrepreneurs planting seeds of opportunity, and the organizers stitching together the fabric of community.

The road ahead is paved with challenges, from economic disparities to the persistent shadow of crime. Yet, in the midst of it all, glimmers of hope shine through. Each new business that opens, each child equipped with education, each act of community bonding adds another brushstroke to a new narrative for Forest.


The information presented in this article is based on publicly available data and sources as of January 15, 2024. While attempts have been made to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness, the author and publisher cannot guarantee the exactness of all information provided. Economic trends, crime rates, and other data points can fluctuate over time. Individual experiences will vary, and this article should not be considered the sole source of information when making personal decisions about residing in Forest, Mississippi.

Furthermore, the designation of “worst city to live in” is subjective and based on specific criteria. This article aims to provide an objective overview of the challenges and opportunities faced by Forest, but it is important to acknowledge that other factors and perspectives may not be fully represented. It is encouraged to explore additional resources and consider various viewpoints before forming your own opinion about Forest and its potential as a place to live.

K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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