This City Has Been Named New Jersey Worst City To Live – You Won’t Believe Which One!

In the heart of bustling New Jersey, Newark casts a complex shadow. It’s the state’s largest city, a hub of history and ambition, yet it often finds itself labelled “New Jersey’s Worst City To Live.” This moniker, bestowed by MoneyInc, paints a picture of bleakness, but is it the whole story? Let’s delve deeper into the realities of Newark, understanding its struggles, its strengths, and the glimmer of hope that shines through the shadows.

Unemployment: A Mountain to Climb

The elephant in the room is undeniable: Newark’s unemployment rate stands at a staggering 11.3%, more than double the national average. This stark statistic translates to thousands of residents struggling to find work, leading to financial hardship and a sense of despair. The reasons are multifaceted. The decline of manufacturing, a legacy of racial and economic inequality, and limited access to quality education all contribute to this mountain of a challenge.

Living on the Edge: A Struggle for Financial Stability

Even for those fortunate enough to be employed, the path to financial stability is fraught. The median household income in Newark hovers around $35,199, far below the national average. This translates to a constant struggle to make ends meet, with housing, food, and healthcare posing a daily challenge. The burden is particularly heavy on single-parent households and families of color, who are disproportionately represented in the city’s low-income bracket.

Crime: A Legacy to Leave Behind

While not as dire as some other urban areas, crime remains a concern in Newark. The city falls within the bottom 5% for overall crime rates, with property crimes being more prevalent than violent ones. This legacy of crime has created a sense of insecurity and fear among some residents, hindering the city’s potential for growth and prosperity.

Beyond the Headlines: A City of Resilience and Hope

However, to paint Newark solely with the brush of these challenges would be a grave injustice. Beneath the surface lies a city brimming with resilience, a spirit that refuses to be defined by its hardships. Newark is a city of vibrant communities, a melting pot of cultures, and a hub of artistic expression. From the murals adorning its walls to the soulful sounds of its jazz clubs, Newark pulsates with a unique energy that refuses to be extinguished.


Education: A Beacon of Hope for the Future

One of the brightest lights in Newark’s future is its commitment to education. Initiatives like the Newark Teachers Union’s innovative contract, which empowers teachers and emphasizes student success, are yielding promising results. Schools like University High School, a public magnet school consistently ranked among the best in the nation, offer a glimpse of the educational potential that lies within the city’s youth.


1. Is Newark safe?

While crime rates have been decreasing in recent years, safety remains a concern in some areas of Newark. Violent crime is typically focused in specific neighborhoods, and property crime is more widespread. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions.

2. Can I find good jobs in Newark?

While the overall unemployment rate is high, certain sectors like healthcare, education, and logistics are experiencing growth. Additionally, Newark’s proximity to New York City opens up job opportunities in a wider metropolitan area. However, competition for jobs remains high, and having relevant skills and qualifications is crucial.

3. Is Newark expensive to live in?

Housing costs in Newark are generally lower than in other major New Jersey cities and New York City. However, the cost of living can vary significantly depending on the neighborhood. Utilities, transportation, and groceries can also be less expensive than in surrounding areas.

4. What are the transportation options in Newark?

Newark has a well-developed public transportation system, including NJ Transit trains, buses, and light rail. The city also has Newark Liberty International Airport, offering both domestic and international flights. Additionally, ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft are readily available.

5. What are the things to do in Newark?

Newark offers a vibrant cultural scene with museums, art galleries, and live music venues. The city also boasts beautiful parks and gardens, historical sites, and diverse restaurants serving cuisine from around the world. The Prudential Center hosts sporting events and concerts, and there are plenty of entertainment options like movie theaters and bowling alleys.

6. Is Newark a good place to raise a family?

Newark is undergoing a revitalization, and many families are choosing to make it their home. The city offers a diverse and strong public school system with several high-performing schools. There are also plenty of family-friendly activities and resources available. However, it’s important to carefully research individual neighborhoods and schools before making a decision.

7. What are the future prospects for Newark?

Newark is experiencing a wave of investment and development, with projects focusing on infrastructure, education, and job creation. The city’s proximity to New York City and its potential for growth make it an attractive location for businesses and residents. While challenges remain, there is a sense of optimism and hope for the future of Newark.

Looking Ahead: A Path Towards a Brighter Newark

Newark’s journey is far from over. The challenges it faces are complex and deeply entrenched. However, a tide of change is slowly but surely rising. From community-driven initiatives tackling unemployment and crime to businesses investing in the city’s potential, a spirit of collaboration and innovation is taking root.

The label of “New Jersey’s Worst City To Live” may still cling to Newark, but it is increasingly being challenged by a narrative of resilience and hope. The city’s future remains unwritten, but its residents, armed with determination and a deep-seated love for their hometown, are paving the way for a brighter tomorrow. Whether Newark sheds its negative moniker or not is immaterial. What matters most is the city’s unwavering spirit, its unyielding belief in its potential to rise above the shadows and claim its rightful place as a vibrant, thriving hub of opportunity and hope.


The information provided in this article and the accompanying FAQs is based on publicly available data and sources. It is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and objectivity of the information presented, it is important to conduct your own research and consult with relevant professionals before making any decisions about living in Newark or relying on the information presented herein.

Furthermore, the label of “New Jersey’s Worst City To Live” is based on MoneyInc’s analysis and does not necessarily reflect the experiences and perspectives of all Newark residents. It is important to consider diverse viewpoints and acknowledge the city’s complexities before forming your own opinion.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to live in Newark is a personal one that should be based on your individual needs and preferences. This article and FAQs offer a starting point for your exploration, but they are not a substitute for your own independent research and judgment.

K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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