This City Has Been Named North Carolina Worst City To Live – You Won’t Believe Which One!

Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Robeson County, Lumberton, North Carolina, paints a picture of quiet Southern charm. Its quaint downtown, historic streets, and friendly faces belie a harsh reality. In 2023, PropertyClub bestowed upon Lumberton a dubious distinction: the “Worst City to Live in North Carolina.” This article delves into the factors behind this title, exploring the city’s struggle with crime, poverty, and the challenges it faces on its path to a brighter future.

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A City Gripped by Crime 

Lumberton’s staggering crime rate, 132.30 per 1,000 residents, paints a stark picture. This translates to a chilling statistic: every resident has a 1 in 27 chance of becoming a victim of crime. This rate is a staggering 435% higher than the North Carolina average, placing Lumberton firmly in the state’s danger zone. While violent crime, with a rate of 20.18 per 1,000 residents, remains a concern, property crime reigns supreme. Thefts, burglaries, and vandalism plague the city, with a rate of 122.21 per 1,000 residents. The dark underbelly of this criminality lies in drug activity, which fuels much of the violence and lawlessness that plague Lumberton.

Beneath the Surface: Poverty and Opportunity

Lumberton’s struggles go beyond crime statistics. The city grapples with a poverty rate of 26.4%, nearly double the state average. This translates to a daily struggle for many residents, who face limited access to quality food, healthcare, and education. The median household income of $41,934 falls short of the national median, making it difficult for families to make ends meet. The lack of economic opportunities further compounds the issue. Job growth stagnates, with unemployment hovering around 6%. This bleak economic landscape leaves many residents trapped in a cycle of poverty, with few avenues for escape.

A Community Fighting Back

Despite the challenges, Lumberton’s spirit remains unbroken. A strong sense of community binds its residents together, and a growing number of initiatives aim to tackle the city’s problems head-on. Law enforcement agencies are implementing crime-reduction strategies, community policing programs foster trust between residents and officers, and social welfare organizations provide much-needed support to the underprivileged. Educational programs strive to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future.


A Glimmer of Hope 

Lumberton’s journey towards a brighter future is long and arduous, but not without hope. The city’s resilience and the dedication of its residents offer a glimmer of optimism. Investments in infrastructure, economic development initiatives, and educational programs hold the potential to create opportunities and improve the quality of life for all. Collaboration between residents, government agencies, and private organizations is crucial for sustained progress. Lumberton’s story is not just a cautionary tale of urban struggles, but a testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome adversity. It is a story of resilience, of hope, and of the enduring power of community in the face of hardship.


1. Why is Lumberton considered the “Worst City to Live in North Carolina”?

Lumberton has been attributed this title due to its significantly higher crime rate compared to the state average. The chance of becoming a victim of crime in Lumberton is 1 in 27, compared to 1 in 76 for the state. Additionally, the city struggles with poverty and limited economic opportunities, further impacting its residents’ quality of life.

2. How safe is Lumberton really?

While Lumberton’s crime rate is high, it’s important to understand the specifics. Violent crime, while present, is not the biggest concern. Property crimes, like theft and vandalism, are more common. Certain areas within the city have higher crime rates than others. It’s important to research specific neighborhoods before making any decisions about living in Lumberton.

3. What is being done to address crime in Lumberton?

There are ongoing efforts to combat crime in the city. Law enforcement agencies are implementing targeted crime reduction strategies, including community policing initiatives to build trust with residents. Social programs offer support and resources to at-risk populations, hoping to break the cycle of crime.

4. Does Lumberton have anything to offer residents?

Despite the challenges, Lumberton boasts a strong sense of community and resilient spirit. The city has a rich history and charming downtown area. Several cultural and recreational opportunities exist, including museums, festivals, and outdoor activities. Residents are engaged in improving their city, creating a hopeful outlook for the future.

5. What can be done to help Lumberton?

Support for community initiatives tackling crime and poverty is crucial. Investing in education and economic development can create opportunities for residents and improve quality of life. Raising awareness about Lumberton’s challenges and highlighting its positive aspects can attract investment and encourage people to consider the city as a potential home.


Lumberton’s designation as the “Worst City to Live in North Carolina” is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by many communities across the country. However, it is also a call to action, a plea for understanding and support. By acknowledging the city’s struggles and celebrating its spirit of hope, we can pave the way for a brighter future for Lumberton and for countless other communities grappling with similar challenges. Lumberton’s story is not just a statistic, but a human narrative, one that deserves to be heard and understood. Perhaps, by listening to the voices of Lumberton’s residents, we can all find ways to build a more just and equitable society for all.


The information presented in this article and the accompanying FAQs about Lumberton, North Carolina, is based on publicly available data and statistics, including reports from PropertyClub and other reliable sources. However, it is important to note that:

  • Data may not be fully comprehensive: Statistics can be subject to change and may not reflect the most recent developments in the city.
  • Crime rates can vary within different areas: While the overall crime rate in Lumberton is high, crime rates can vary significantly within different neighborhoods.
  • Individual experiences may differ: Residents’ experiences in Lumberton will vary depending on their specific circumstances and location.
  • The article presents a snapshot in time: The situation in Lumberton is constantly evolving, and the challenges and opportunities faced by the city may change over time.

This disclaimer is intended to provide readers with a cautionary note and encourage them to do their own research and seek additional information before making any decisions about Lumberton based solely on this article.

K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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