This is Named as the Most Haunted Place in Hawaii

While Hawaii is renowned for its picturesque landscapes and tourist attractions, there exists a darker side steeped in legends and tales of ghosts, spirits, and curses. One of the most spine-chilling places in Hawaii is the haunted Kasha House of Kaimuki, situated in the Honolulu neighborhood. This dwelling is rumored to be inhabited by a Kasha, a man-eating ghost from Japanese folklore, known for tormenting and attacking those who reside in or visit the premises.

Unveiling the Mystery of the Kasha

A Kasha, originating from ancient Japan, is a creature that feasts on human corpses. The name translates to “fire cart” as it is accompanied by hellish flames. While it can assume the guise of a common house cat or a stray, its true form is revealed during funerals, where it seizes bodies and transports them to hell for punishment. A Kasha can also animate a corpse as a puppet or consume it as a meal.

The History of the Kasha House

Nestled on the corner of 8th and Harding, the Kasha House of Kaimuki stands on a foundation of two beds of lava rock. Despite its seemingly normal exterior, the house conceals a sinister secret. The Kasha first took residence in the dwelling after a man murdered his wife, son, and daughter, burying their bodies on the property. While the bodies of the wife and son were discovered, the daughter’s remains remain elusive, as she is believed to be the haunting Kasha.

Disturbing Incidents at the Kasha House

Over the years, numerous families and couples have resided or vacationed in the Kasha House, only to vacate due to alarming and perilous occurrences. Noteworthy incidents include:

  • In 1942, police officers responded to a distress call from a woman who repeatedly claimed, “She’s trying to kill my children.” Upon entering the house, officers witnessed three children levitating, being slapped, and tossed across the room by an unseen force. The mother attributed the malevolent acts to the Kasha and blamed her estranged husband, garnering attention in the local newspaper.
  • In 1972, a young girl reportedly fell victim to an invisible force within the house. Seeking refuge in her parked car outside, the spirit pursued her, choking her and leaving visible marks around her neck. Although she managed to escape, the marks lingered for days, as detailed in another newspaper article.
  • In 2021, a play centered around the Kasha House was staged at the Kumu Kahua Theatre. Depicting three women encountering unexplained activities in the house, the play combined scares and humor as they sought to unravel the truth about the Kasha.

Present Status of the Kasha House

While the Kasha House of Kaimuki still stands, it remains unoccupied. Owned by a real estate company, the house has been unsuccessfully listed for sale multiple times, with no takers. The property is fenced off, accompanied by a warning sign, deterring locals and neighbors from approaching. Attempts to enter the house or capture images have resulted in reports of unease, mysterious noises, and shadowy apparitions.


Easily ranking among the most haunted places in Hawaii, if not the world, the Kasha House of Kaimuki serves as a chilling reminder of the unseen, mysterious side of the islands. For the brave and curious seeking a paranormal experience, be warned – the Kasha may be lurking, awaiting your presence.

Jimmy Clyde
Jimmy Clyde
Articles: 290

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