Young Father Accidentally Eats Toxic Wild Mushrooms, He Becomes “Delirious” And Falls Off A Cliff To Die

Aiexpress – A British man tragically lost his life in Italy while on a bike trip across Europe and Asia. The unfortunate incident occurred when he accidentally fell off a cliff after consuming wild mushrooms that had caused him to become delirious.

In a Facebook post from his brother, Dale Harper, it was revealed that Steve Harper, a 38-year-old father of two, had embarked on a biking journey from Dundee, Scotland to India. However, concerns arose when his family hadn’t heard from him for a month in December.

Dale revealed that Steven’s final message to the family relayed his culinary adventure of preparing a delicious meal. He enthusiastically shared how he had enhanced a plate of noodles by adding mushrooms.

According to Dale, it appeared that Steven was searching for food when he stumbled upon a potentially lethal mushroom containing heat-resistant Amatoxin.

Dale traveled to his brother’s last known whereabouts in order to retrace his steps and search for him upon realizing the danger he was in.


In December, Dale received a phone call delivering the unfortunate news.

The authorities believe that the cyclist fell to his death at the bottom of a cliff in Ventimiglia, an Italian city near the French border. It is suspected that he fell shortly after sending the message regarding the mushrooms on November 23.

Dale wrote that although he had enough resources to survive, he may have made a fatal mistake with the mushrooms. The cause of his death was attributed to a fall from a cliff, potentially due to disorientation caused by toxins from the mushrooms.

According to Dale, the toxicology report is still pending, but based on the available evidence, it appears that Steven may have experienced delirium caused by toxins. As a result, he likely lost his balance and fell along with his belongings.

The family managed to retrieve the belongings that Steven had brought along on his trip.

“He simply made an error, there was no ill intention behind it.”

Dale found solace in the fact that his brother had followed his heart until the very end, despite the unfortunate outcome.

Dale expressed solace in the fact that his father passed away while pursuing his passions and desires. He had everything he needed and was in the company of loved ones during his final moments. Furthermore, his father had always expressed a desire to breathe his last in a picturesque location, and his current resting place is undeniably breathtaking.

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