California Highway Patrol recovers $700,000 worth of stolen vitamins in major cargo theft bust

The investigators of the California Highway Patrol’s Cargo Theft Interdiction Program (CTIP) taskforce have started the new year with an impressive achievement. They have successfully recovered 30 pallets of stolen vitamins and supplements, totaling 9,706 units. The estimated value of the cargo that was seized amounts to approximately $700,000.

2024 is off to a great start with this successful operation, building on the incredible achievements of the CTIP taskforce in 2023. During that exceptional year, they shattered previous records by successfully recovering a larger number of stolen goods than ever before.

Cargo theft continues to be a major concern, as highlighted by the highway patrol. The recent recovery of valuable vitamins and supplements serves as a reminder of the economic consequences associated with these illicit activities.

We welcome the public to join us in our mission to fight against cargo theft and organized retail crime.

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