Camera captures thieves stealing Christmas decorations from Lakewood home

The holiday season usually brings joy to the neighborhood as people adorn their homes with festive decorations. However, for one resident in Lakewood, Christmas has turned into a nightmare as thieves stole decorations from her front yard.

“It’s really disheartening, you know? I’ve put in so much effort to earn what little I have, and then someone can just come and snatch it away,” expressed the resident, who preferred to remain anonymous and declined to be filmed.

Around 9:54 p.m. on Wednesday, a resident witnessed a shocking incident unfold. The whole incident was caught on camera by a Ring doorbell. In the video, two individuals in a red pickup truck can be seen approaching the resident’s yard. Within a span of just five minutes, they brazenly snatched her candy cane decorations.

“I didn’t think someone was actually in our doorway because we often receive notifications of people just walking by. So, I waited for four minutes before clicking on it. Unfortunately, by the time I finally clicked on it, it was already too late,” explained the resident.

According to the resident, all eight candy canes were stolen directly from the ground. In the video, she noted that a car approached from the corner, which she believes startled the thieves and prevented them from taking additional items.


“It’s our first year living here, so it’s quite disheartening to see someone deliberately go out of their way to steal our Christmas decorations,” expressed the resident with a tinge of sadness.

According to residents in the vicinity, the neighborhood has been previously targeted by thieves.

Lakewood resident Jackson Wilfong expressed his concern about recent incidents of theft in the neighborhood. He stated, “We haven’t experienced any theft except for a catalytic converter, and our neighbors had their tires stolen. However, we haven’t heard anything about stolen Christmas lights. It’s a bit unsettling.”

According to Lakewood resident Michele Thomas, there has been an unfortunate increase in a certain behavior that is becoming more common. She believes that people are becoming bolder in their actions.

The Lakewood Sheriff’s Station is currently investigating the incident of the stolen decorations, and a police report has been filed.

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