Meta Immunity Inc. ordered to pay $100 after losing court case against teetotaler

Facebook and Instagram, the tech giant, faced a significant financial setback of over $100 due to their loss in a small claims lawsuit filed by Emmett Soldati, the owner of Teatotaller’s Cafe.

Mark Zuckerberg’s company, Meta, no longer enjoys the protection of immunity provided by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This law has often been used to shield social media companies from legal repercussions.

According to Soldati, the judgment clearly establishes that Facebook does not have immunity.

Soldati has been battling against Meta for several years now, ever since the company inexplicably deleted Teatotaller’s Instagram page. Displaying remarkable tenacity, he took on Meta’s expensive legal team and represented himself in court, eventually escalating the case to the New Hampshire Supreme Court.

Dover District Court Judge Sawako Gardner recently ruled that the company indeed had a contract with Teatotaller’s, affirming the result of the hard work put in by the plaintiff.


In a recent ruling, Gardner determined that the terms of service agreement that users agree to when creating their Instagram accounts hold legal weight as contracts. This means that when Meta deleted Teatotaller’s account for violating these terms, they were essentially breaching their contract with Soldati’s business.

According to Soldati, this marks a significant legal shift in the way Meta operates.

Soldati argued that Meta’s defense claiming the service is free and therefore, they do not have any obligation to users is invalid. According to Soldati, by offering the service, Meta enters into a contract with users and is bound to fulfill its promise of providing the account.

In Gardner’s ruling, a significant change for Meta is that the company will no longer be able to evade specific lawsuits using the federal Decency in Communications Act.

Section 230 of the Decency in Communications Act has been utilized by social media companies as a shield against lawsuits arising from defamatory user-generated content. However, Gardner discovered that Meta was unable to rely on the protections provided by Section 230 to halt Soldati’s lawsuit.

According to him, social media companies have been leveraging Section 230 to dismiss numerous cases.

In 2018, Teatotaller’s Instagram account was unexpectedly deleted. According to Soldati, the owner of the business, Teatotaller had not violated any of Meta’s terms of service that would warrant such action. Despite this, Soldati never received an explanation from the company regarding the deletion.

Soldati experienced the frustration of losing his Instagram account, forcing him to start from scratch five days later. Unfortunately, this setback also meant losing the loyal followers he had painstakingly cultivated over the years. As the primary digital storefront for Teatotaller’s, the loss of his original account dealt a significant blow to Soldati’s business.

Meta did not provide a comment when requested. Court documents reveal that the company did not offer any explanation for the deletion and its representatives informed the court that they were not obligated to provide a reason.

Soldati believes that the deletion of his business’s pro-LGBTQ+ position is not due to their stance but rather a result of incompetence.

According to him, he disagrees with the notion that Facebook intentionally caused the issue. Instead, he believes that it is more plausible that there was a failure in Facebook’s technology.

Gardner’s ruling has granted Soldati a sum of $100 in damages, along with an additional $145 for court costs. Soldati is currently pursuing a clarification order, as his expenses with Meta have exceeded the amount of $245. However, his case was not just about monetary compensation; it aimed to compel the company to acknowledge its wrongdoing.

Soldati expressed that the core essence has always been centered around advocating for something so simple.

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