Donald Trump Wins Illinois GOP primary

Former President Trump emerged victorious in the Republican primary in Illinois, as reported by Decision Desk HQ. Trump has already met the delegate barrier required to capture the Republican candidacy for 2024, and his victory in the Prairie State extends…

Joe Biden Wins Kansas Democratic Primary

According to Decision Desk HQ, President Biden is projected to emerge as the victor in the Kansas Democratic presidential primary. Kansas, also known as the Sunflower State, provides a total of 33 pledged delegates to the victor. These delegates are…

Donald Trump Wins Ohio GOP primary

Former President Trump has emerged victorious in the Ohio Republican presidential primary, as reported by Decision Desk HQ. In the winner-take-all primary, Trump, who is already the presumptive GOP nominee for president, will secure all 79 delegates available in the…

Georgia shows concerning signs, according to Biden

President Biden is encountering concerning indications in Georgia, the state he successfully turned blue for the first time in decades during the 2020 election. These indications include low primary turnout and a dearth of significant down-ballot races, which fail to…