Police in Newark Seek Woman for Questioning in Carjacking Incident

Newark Public Safety Director Fritz G. Fragé is reaching out to the public for help in finding Yvonne Barnes, aged 63. Fragé wants to question her regarding a carjacking incident that took place on December 10, 2023.

Around 10:30 PM, a Lyft driver picked up two male passengers on the 40 block of Eckert Avenue. As they were driving to the 200 block of 18th Avenue, a disagreement broke out between the driver and passengers regarding the volume of the music. When they reached the 600 block of Bergen Street, near Clinton Avenue, the driver asked the passengers to get out of the vehicle, which was registered with New Jersey plate Z99MWW.

In response to the driver’s request, the assailants, both male, carried out the attack. The initial suspect, identified as a Black male standing at 5’10” and clad in a red jacket and blue jeans, sporting braided hair, relentlessly struck the victim in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. Subsequently, the second suspect, a 5’8″ Black male wearing a yellow traffic vest, blue jeans, a dark hat, and featuring long braided hair, joined in the assault. Following the altercation, they seized the vehicle and fled in a northerly direction on Bergen Street.

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