This City Has Been Named Utah Worst City To Live – You Won’t Believe Which One!

Nestled among the scenic mountains of Utah lies Roosevelt City, a small town with a population of just over 7,000. While its charming location might initially draw some in, Roosevelt has recently gained notoriety for a less-than-desirable title: Worst City to Live in Utah, according to Moneyinc. While this label might seem harsh, delving deeper into the town’s economic and social landscape reveals a number of challenges that contribute to this designation.

Economic Woes: A Struggle for Stability

One of the most glaring issues facing Roosevelt is its troubling economic situation. The unemployment rate stands at a disconcerting 8.7%, significantly higher than the national average. This translates to hundreds of residents, and their families, living in uncertainty and hardship. The high unemployment rate has a domino effect, contributing to other economic woes.

Housing in Roosevelt is relatively affordable, with a median home value of $199,600. However, affordability doesn’t necessarily translate to prosperity. This low value reflects a lack of demand, suggesting that more people are leaving the town than moving in. This exodus is likely fueled by the limited job opportunities and low earning potential.

The combined household income in Roosevelt paints a stark picture. At a mere $63,479 per year, it falls short of providing a comfortable living for a family of four or five. This struggle to cover basic necessities adds another layer of stress to the lives of residents already grappling with unemployment and poverty.

Poverty and Crime: A Complex Intertwining

The high unemployment rate and low income levels lead directly to another challenge: poverty. Roosevelt has a poverty rate above the national average, with many residents struggling to meet their basic needs. This economic hardship creates a breeding ground for crime, contributing to a rate that places Roosevelt within the worst ten percent of all Utah cities. While the exact reasons for the high crime rate are complex and multifaceted, the economic struggles undoubtedly play a significant role.


Beyond the Numbers: A Glimpse into Life in Roosevelt

While statistics paint a harsh picture, it’s important to remember that Roosevelt is more than just numbers. It’s a community with its own unique history, culture, and resilience. Residents hold strong ties to their families and neighbors, finding support and solace in these bonds. Despite the challenges, there are those who find their niche in this small town, appreciating the slower pace of life and the sense of community.

A Path Forward: Addressing the Challenges

The designation of “Worst City to Live” is undoubtedly a wake-up call for Roosevelt. To tackle its problems, the town needs a multi-pronged approach. Investing in job creation initiatives, attracting new businesses, and providing vocational training for residents are crucial steps towards boosting the economy. Addressing the poverty situation will require social safety nets and programs that support vulnerable families. Additionally, focusing on community policing and crime prevention programs can help bring down the crime rate.

While the challenges facing Roosevelt are significant, the town’s residents possess the strength and determination to overcome them. Working together with local leaders, community organizations, and state government, Roosevelt can pave a path towards a brighter future, one where economic stability and prosperity replace the current struggles.


Q: Why is unemployment so high in Roosevelt?

A: Several factors contribute to the high unemployment rate. Roosevelt’s economy largely relies on agriculture and manufacturing, industries that have seen steady decline in recent years. Additionally, limited job diversity and a lack of major corporations attracting skilled workers make finding employment challenging.

Q: Is the crime rate in Roosevelt dangerous?

A: Falling within the worst ten percent of Utah cities for crime puts Roosevelt above the national average. While violent crime is relatively low, property crime rates are higher. Petty theft and vandalism are more common than violent offenses.

Q: Are there any initiatives to address the poverty and crime?

A: Recognizing the interconnectedness of these issues, several initiatives are underway. Local organizations offer job training programs and financial assistance to struggling families. Community policing efforts and crime prevention projects aim to reduce crime rates and build trust between police and residents.

Q: What are the positives of living in Roosevelt?

A: Despite the challenges, Roosevelt offers certain benefits. The low cost of living makes it affordable, and the slower pace of life attracts those seeking a simpler lifestyle. Strong community ties and beautiful natural surroundings provide a sense of belonging and outdoor recreation opportunities.

Q: Does the “Worst City” label deter people from moving to Roosevelt?

A: The negative publicity does raise concerns for some potential residents. However, others see it as an opportunity to contribute to positive change and be part of a community rebuilding itself. Ultimately, the decision to live in Roosevelt depends on individual priorities and needs.


Roosevelt, Utah, may not be the picture-perfect utopia often envisioned when searching for a new home. However, understanding the economic and social challenges the town faces is crucial for making informed decisions. While there are undeniable hardships, Roosevelt also holds the potential for positive change. With dedicated effort and a focus on improving the lives of its residents, this small town can strive to rewrite its narrative and build a more prosperous future.


The information presented in this article and FAQs is based on publicly available data and reports. While reasonable efforts were made to ensure accuracy, the information may not be exhaustive or reflect the most recent developments. It is also important to note that individual experiences of living in Roosevelt may vary.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, or other professional advice. We encourage readers to conduct their own research and consult with relevant professionals before making any decisions based on the information provided.

K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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