Trump, a prospective vice presidential candidate, and a former actress are all in Iowa ahead of the caucuses

Former President Donald Trump is counting on the assistance of a potential running mate, who happens to be a former TV actress, as well as one of his sons, to campaign on his behalf in Iowa. This strategic move is part of his campaign’s efforts to hold numerous events across the state in preparation for the upcoming Iowa caucuses.

Surrogates such as South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, Roseanne Barr, and Eric Trump are playing a crucial role in the campaign to energize Trump’s base of caucus-goers in Iowa. Their aim is to ensure a strong turnout for Trump in the first 2024 presidential nominating contest on January 15th.

“We have the votes,” affirmed Jason Miller, a senior adviser for the Trump campaign. “Our focus now is on mobilizing our supporters and utilizing every available method to ensure a strong turnout.”

Former President Donald Trump will be making more appearances at campaign events in Iowa during the first two weeks of January than he has in the past 2 ½ months combined. Despite consistently leading in the Iowa polls by double digits, Trump has only visited the state nine times in the last 90 days.


Donald Trump is set to host a series of “commit to caucus” events in Iowa. These events will be held across the state, from Sioux City in the west to Clinton, located on the Illinois border in the east. On January 14, the eve of the caucuses, Trump will hold his final pre-caucus event in Cherokee. He intends to stay in the state on caucus night.

Noem, who showed her support for Trump by endorsing him at a South Dakota campaign rally in September, will begin the last leg of the tour in Iowa on Wednesday evening. She will kick off the Team Trump Iowa MAGA event in Sioux City.

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor-Greene is set to take the stage as the distinguished speaker at a Trump event in Keokuk on Thursday. It is worth noting that former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, who famously ran against Trump in 2016, made an appearance in Iowa to campaign for the former president back in December.

The campaign is organizing an event each day from Wednesday until the caucus night.

In 2016, Trump faced a setback in the Iowa caucuses due to a weak campaign ground game, resulting in a second-place finish behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, despite leading in polls leading up to the caucuses. However, Trump’s team is determined to avoid a similar loss this time around, as they strive to secure the GOP nomination and the presidency.

According to Miller, President Trump has emphasized the importance of not being complacent and instructed them to approach the campaign with the mindset of being just one point behind, despite their current lead of thirty points.

According to the most recent CBS News poll, Trump has a solid lead and is the only candidate being seriously considered by a majority of likely caucus-goers. A significant 58% of voters have expressed their intention to choose the former president over his Republican competitors.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis maintains his second-place position, despite his significant attention on Iowa over the past few months. This included relocating most of his campaign staff to the state and embarking on a comprehensive tour of all 99 counties, a strategy reminiscent of the renowned “full Grassley” approach.

Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur, is set to accomplish two “full Grassleys” on Tuesday, while Nikki Haley, former South Carolina Governor, has increased her campaign appearances in Iowa in preparation for the caucuses.

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