Gabe Glidden’s Wife Expresses Disappointment Following Visit to Carver

On December 30th, the Iowa Hawkeye women’s basketball team hosted the Minnesota Golden Gophers at Carver-Hawkeye arena for an exciting pre-New Year’s Eve game. Being Minnesota natives, my wife and I were fortunate enough to secure a pair of tickets and were eagerly looking forward to experiencing the match.

We didn’t really care about the outcome. Our main excitement was to witness Caitlin Clark’s skills firsthand and see if the Gophers could hold their ground against one of the top teams in the nation.

The Gophers couldn’t hold on as the Hawkeyes dominated the game from the start. It was disappointing to see such a one-sided contest, as blow-out basketball games aren’t very enjoyable to watch. Unfortunately, my hopes for a closer match were not fulfilled, and it seemed that many others at Carver-Hawkeye arena that afternoon felt the same way.

Unhappy Wife…Unhappy Life

My wife is a big fan of attending sporting events and loves the lively atmosphere at the stadium. However, she has never been particularly interested in the actual games themselves. Instead, she finds joy in the overall experience and is especially enthusiastic about the delicious food and refreshing drinks available at whichever game we happen to be attending.

Before heading to the game on Saturday, a colleague of mine excitedly mentioned the renowned Carver cones. These delectable ice cream cones, served at Carver-Hawkeye Arena, are crafted using rich cream sourced from local Iowa cows. They have gained immense popularity on social media, captivating the taste buds of many.


My wife possesses a deep knowledge of ice cream. I’ve never encountered someone as adventurous and open-minded when it comes to trying different flavors. Whether it’s a small scoop or an extravagant sundae, she eagerly embraces any and every type of ice cream that comes her way. Upon entering the stadium, Kori didn’t even consider heading to our seats first. Instead, she made a beeline for the Carver Cone line. Little did we know, this impulsive decision would teach us a valuable lesson during our inaugural visit to Carver-Hawkeye Arena.

If you have your heart set on getting a Carver Cone, be prepared to wait in line for a considerable amount of time. My friend experienced this firsthand when she decided to give it a try. She patiently waited for nearly 25 minutes, hoping that the line would eventually shorten. However, little did she know, the line for these delicious ice cream cones never seems to dwindle. It was her first mistake to think that the crowd would thin out anytime soon.

When the game ended and we exited the stadium, we gained a valuable insight. To indulge in a Carver Cone, one must embrace the commitment of waiting in line. Once you join the queue, there is no option to turn back.

I had an absolute blast watching Caitlin Clark in person and spending a delightful afternoon with Kori. Although the basketball game didn’t live up to expectations, I still had a great time. Kori couldn’t stop talking about how she missed out on getting a Carver Cone…

I recalled the age-old advice I had received before getting married: “Happy wife, happy life.” Taking this to heart, I swiftly transitioned into “good husband mode” and decided to take her to Coldstone after the game.

My wife and I are unsure if Coldstone ice cream is the same as a Carver Cone. We will have to make another trip to Iowa City to watch a game and find out!

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