Utah Governor Cox approves bills on transgender bathroom access and diversity, equity, and inclusion

ai express – Cox stated in a statement that his reason for signing HB257 is to ensure that public facilities are safe and accommodating for everyone. He emphasized that the bill aims to enhance privacy protections for all individuals.

The bill mandates the creation of additional unisex and single-stall facilities in public buildings. It also stipulates that transgender individuals can only use gender-specific bathrooms if they have undergone transgender-related surgery and have updated their birth certificate to reflect their gender identity.

Transgender bathroom bill

Proponents of the legislation have advocated for enhanced privacy measures in restrooms for women. However, opponents argue that the policy should prioritize behavior rather than a person’s gender identity, and that it exacerbates the stigma faced by transgender individuals.

The bill was approved by the Legislature on Friday after representatives and senators held discussions to resolve their differences. In a brief meeting, six lawmakers adopted and approved the fifth substitute version of HB257. Representative Kera Birkeland, R-Morgan, the sponsor of the bill, emphasized that the revised version makes it “extremely clear” that students cannot be charged for using a restroom that doesn’t match their assigned sex at birth.

“We never intended for any child to receive a criminal record simply for using a restroom,” Birkeland expressed.


The bill has a limited scope and only affects government-owned buildings, excluding private businesses. One notable provision in the passed version of the bill is the inclusion of indemnification for government entities. This provision ensures that if lawsuits arise from the enforcement of the law, the state will cover the court costs on behalf of these entities.

Cox expressed his support for the bill, although he did not explicitly commit to signing it. Prior to the session, he emphasized the importance of safeguarding “women’s spaces” while also ensuring that LGBTQ individuals are treated with respect and dignity.

The caucus criticized the bill, describing it as “discriminatory” and “a setback in our continuous struggle for equality and inclusivity.” They also raised concerns about the bill’s constitutionality and the possibility of legal disputes, highlighting the “reckless” utilization of state funds.

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Diversity, equity and inclusion bill

Supporters of HB261, a bill aimed at reforming state-sponsored diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, argue that their main objective is to provide equal opportunities for all individuals in need, regardless of their race or other factors.

HB261 aims to broaden the scope of diversity initiatives beyond marginalized groups, such as Black students, to include all students. In addition, it seeks to prevent universities and public entities from mandating “diversity statements” for job applicants, while promoting the concept of “academic freedom” within college campuses. This legislation has implications for K-12 schools and other publicly funded institutions.

During a hearing on the bill last week, Rep. Katy Hall, R-South Ogden, emphasized that there is still work to be done. She urged everyone, including the members of our communities, to treat each other with kindness and extend a helping hand to those in need. “No matter what their circumstances may be, we should lift them up and provide the support they need,” Hall stated passionately.

Supporters of the bill argue that it will create a fair and equal opportunity for all university students by providing them with the necessary assistance and support. On the other hand, skeptics express concerns about the potential negative impact on students of color and other underrepresented groups who have historically benefited from diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

“We have had concerns about certain programs and policies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, particularly in terms of hiring practices. This bill presents a well-balanced solution. I appreciate the Legislature’s decision not to follow the approach taken by other states, which involved completely eliminating funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion without providing any alternative support for students facing challenges. Instead, this funding will be redirected to benefit all students in Utah, ensuring their success regardless of their background,” Cox expressed in his statement on Tuesday evening.

According to him, the diversity in Utah has made the state stronger. He further emphasized his dedication to ensuring that Utah remains a place where everyone can prosper.

“Our administration has been actively collaborating with various community stakeholders over the past three years to increase opportunities for all Utahns, and we will continue to do so,” he stated.

In their statement, Senate Democrats expressed their strong disapproval of HB261, stating that it undermines the progress made in creating a more inclusive society.

The caucus emphasized the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in fostering knowledge, understanding, empathy, and respect among our diverse population. They expressed concern that by limiting the implementation of these programs, we risk undoing the progress we have made in creating a more inclusive society.

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