White House Counsel Urges House Gop To Drop Biden Impeachment Effort

White House counsel Ed Siskel called for the House to bring an end to its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden on Friday.

In a letter addressed to House Speaker Mike Johnson, Siskel expressed his view that the House GOP does not possess sufficient evidence to substantiate their allegations that the president and his family benefited financially from his son Hunter Biden’s business activities.

According to Siskel, Chairman James Comer, a Republican member of the Oversight Committee, was unable to provide any specific policy or governing decisions that were allegedly influenced improperly. Other Republican members of the committee also failed to identify any such instances when questioned.

He further stated that, on the contrary, the impeachment investigation has uncovered evidence that Biden did not commit any wrongdoing.

Siskel’s letter highlighted the testimony of several witnesses who were interviewed by Republican House members during the impeachment investigation. These witnesses effectively contradicted the allegations that Biden had benefited from his family members’ business ventures.


According to Siskel, the House Majority should focus on collaborating with the President to address crucial issues such as the economy and national security, rather than wasting time on political stunts.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer recently stated that he will not be attending a public impeachment hearing scheduled for March 20th. In a private deposition to the GOP impeachment investigators, Hunter Biden claimed that his father was never involved in his business dealings. The lawyer referred to the upcoming hearing as a “carnival sideshow.”

A former key witness in the GOP impeachment hearings, Alexander Smirnov, has been arrested by the FBI on charges of lying about Hunter Biden. The Justice Department has revealed that Smirnov admitted his involvement with Russian intelligence agencies in spreading false narratives about Hunter Biden, which were heavily promoted during the GOP impeachment inquiry.

During a press conference at the House GOP retreat on Thursday, Johnson was asked if he saw a clear path to holding an impeachment vote against Biden. However, he did not commit to a vote.

“The impeachment inquiry and the accompanying investigation will persist. There are still some requested pieces of information that have not been provided yet, and our committees will continue their efforts to obtain them. They will diligently analyze all the gathered information and make decisions accordingly.”

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