Woman in Georgia adorns her home with 50 Christmas trees

BUFORD, Ga. – Christmas brings out two types of people: those who simply love the holiday season and those who absolutely adore every aspect of it.

There is a woman in Georgia who has earned the nickname “Crazy Tree Lady” because of her extraordinary efforts during the holiday season.

“Crazy, right?! The name totally fits!” exclaimed Shasta Rodgers with a proud smile. “You’d have to be a little crazy to have this many trees, don’t you think?”

Her home is adorned with a collection of 50 beautifully decorated trees.

Rodgers enthusiastically shared, “I did 42 last year, but I managed to find some on sale, and now I have a total of 50.”


For her, it’s all about having fun. Seeing the Christmas lights glow in her home brings warmth, just like the sun.

“It brings me so much joy and happiness because each one is a unique thought process. They are all completely different, which really stretches my imagination and pushes my creative boundaries,” she expressed. “I love shopping after the season is over and taking advantage of the huge discounts. When things are 75 percent off or even 90 percent off, I can’t resist! I buy the items and then I start visualizing how I can transform them into beautiful trees.”

Rodgers graciously opens her home to friends and family, inviting them all to experience its warmth and hospitality.

“It has taken us 21 years to reach this point,” she stated. “The process has been quite lengthy, which is why they will remain in place until March.”

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