Donald Trump sends heartfelt Valentine’s Day message to Melania focused on ongoing legal challenges

Former President Trump expressed his gratitude to former first lady Melania Trump on Valentine’s Day, acknowledging her unwavering support during his numerous legal battles.

In an email campaign sent on Wednesday morning, Trump shared a heartfelt “letter” with the subject line, “I love you, Melania!”

In a heartfelt message, President Trump expressed his unwavering love and gratitude for Melania. Despite facing numerous indictments, arrests, and witch hunts, Melania has remained by his side throughout it all. Trump acknowledges her unwavering support, stating that he wouldn’t be the person he is today without her guidance, kindness, and warmth.

“I will always cherish you, Melania, as you hold a special place in my heart. With love, Donald J. Trump,” wrote the former president, expressing his deep affection for his wife.

Readers were then instructed to visit a website where they had the opportunity to share their own heartfelt Valentine’s Day messages or contribute to his reelection campaign.


The former president is currently facing a total of 91 felony counts across four federal and state indictments. He has consistently labeled these charges as a politically motivated “witch hunt” aimed at thwarting his chances of being reelected in the upcoming November elections.

Nikki Haley, Trump’s primary GOP rival, shared her own Valentine’s Day message for the former president.

In a lighthearted jab at the former president, Donald Trump, Haley’s presidential campaign sent out a playful Valentine’s Day message, stating, “Roses are red, violets are blue, I love dictators, and they love me too! Happy Valentine’s Day from Donald Trump to dictators around the world!” This humorous statement showcases the campaign’s clever and witty approach.

The statement highlights that Trump has consistently expressed admiration for some of the world’s most oppressive dictators, applauding their strength and leadership abilities.

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